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Wishes for the New Year to the point of tears. Short wishes for a Happy New Year. New Year's greetings in verse

The most anticipated holiday of the year is finally approaching. The New Year tree is twinkling with bright lights, the festive table is covered with delicious dishes, gifts are waiting in the wings, which means it’s time to congratulate your family and friends on the holiday. Therefore, we bring to your attention original Happy New Year greetings in verse and prose, Happy New Year of the Yellow Earth Dog.

Short Happy New Year greetings in verse

I wish you peace and goodness,
Love, warmth!
May this New Year
Will bring success and joy!

May the New Year open its doors
Into the world of magic, care, faith.
And all good things will begin!
May luck smile on you!

I wish you this New Year
Less sadness and worries,
More happiness and goodness,
Smiles, tenderness, warmth!

May your friends be true
And a very friendly family,
So that every day is successful,
And so that you have enough strength for everything!

Well, let's also have a New Year
Will bring more money
Health, peace and love,
So that there is no winter in your heart!

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish
Have fun and laugh
Don't be offended by anything
Live easily and without worries
The whole coming new year.

Enjoy every moment
And give your warmth,
Always be positive
May you always be lucky in everything!

Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Laughter, peace and kindness!
Let all bad weather pass by,
Life will give you full gifts!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
With new happiness and goodness.
May it bring health
And prosperity in every home.

Let the snowflakes dance around,
let your dreams come true.
Good luck to everyone,
Peace, happiness, warmth.

We, like children, expect a miracle,
Without looking at your age, at your years.
And we still look forward to the New Year,
And we always wait for miracles and joy!

May this winter and magical holiday
Will fulfill everyone's dreams:
He will give love, health, blessings to everyone,
Goodness, finance, peace, beauty!

And let him give what everyone wishes for
To the chimes at midnight at the table.
And everything bad is taken away by the old one,
Waving his wing to us goodbye!

Happy New Year 2018 greetings in prose

If you are of the opinion that Happy New Year greetings in prose sound most heartfelt, we have prepared this option for you.

I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! In the coming year, I wish you to be surrounded by exclusively positive and friendly people, to experience only pleasant emotions, to enjoy every day you live, to give joy and smiles to those around you. And may this New Year be special for you.

Happy New Year! May this year bring us a lot of happiness, good luck, smiles, warmth and light. Let it be full of bright colors, pleasant impressions and joyful events. I wish everyone to be healthy, beautiful, loved and successful in the new year!

This year is coming to an end. Every year brings a lot of good things, but we will not remember the bad. May the coming year be successful for you, everything will work out as it should. In the new year, I wish you the fulfillment of your plans and a wonderful solution to difficult situations. I wish you an ocean of love, health to everyone, ease in life and the absence of problems. We all believe in miracles, and they surround us. You just need to look a little closer and understand that a miracle has happened. Have a good start and successful continuation in the new year!

May the New Year be successful for us and rich in good events and acquaintances, desires and opportunities. I wish that we can share joyful moments with loved ones. I wish you health, peace, good luck and prosperity. May the New Year bring joy, happiness and changes for the better!

Happy New Year! May this year bring us only the best. May good luck, success and luck accompany us. I wish everyone good health, real happiness and good mood. May we always be surrounded by loved ones. And everything that is wished for when the chimes strike will definitely come true.

Happy New Year of the Dog

And in order to respect the symbol of the year and make sure that the future promises you only the most pleasant things, we recommend choosing New Year’s greetings for the New Year of the Yellow Earth Dog.

Let the Dog of all enemies
Barking will scare you away,
Only sincere people
Will leave it nearby
Let her give you
Courage, loyalty, friendship,
So that life has everything,
What is needed for happiness!
The Year of the Dog is coming to us,
Wait and meet
And the badass Rooster
Feel free to see off!

Let him protect you for a whole year,
The dog is your home and love.
Let him drive away failures
It will help you solve problems.

Let him give devotion and affection,
And every day will be like a fairy tale.
May your happiness protect you,
Leads you to your cherished dream.

Friends, welcome the New Year!
He will come with a yellow dog.
Two thousand eighteen -
Won't he bite?

May this friendly year
Like a wonderful golden puppy,
A bag of love, smiles, laughter
It will be brought to your doorstep!

We wish this dog
I brought you keys in my teeth
From all the doors you knock on
And from the hearts you strive for!

In a calm, quiet, kind world
Let the year pass without any drama.
Let life, like the most faithful friend,
Always wags his tail at you!

Let us tell you a special secret:
A mountain of happiness in the house so that
Luck needs to be lured:
Shelter the dog in the house.

Forget about all your worries
The Year of the Dog is upon us!
May she protect you
From misfortunes and grievances!

In the year 2018
I wish to enjoy
Every moment, every day.
There will be only joy in it!

May this year be special
After all, the symbol of the year is the faithful Dog!
Let him protect you
From all misfortunes and threats.

Let your tail wag
Brings happiness and success
Letting it give you good luck
And a lot of joy for everyone!

And let it be in your furry paws
He brings comfort to your home,
Warmth, health and prosperity,
Fun and love all around!

Now you have beautiful ones for every taste in your arsenal. Happy holiday!

Photo source:

On New Year's Day, there is a very long-standing tradition of saying warm words to your family, loved ones, friends and people you just know. New Year of the Dog 2018 should be no exception.

On this page you will find wishes for the New Year 2018: short, funny, cool. Wishes will be in both poetry and prose. Everyone knows that 2018 marks the year of the Yellow Earth Dog.

Wishes for the New Year 2018: short, funny, cool in verse.

Let the soul sing in the snowstorm and slush:

We cannot lose heart from bad weather.

I wish you to cry all New Year,

But cry only from joy and happiness!

Not everyone has a million red roses

Decorate the New Year's party,

But may your cheerful Santa Claus

The top of your head will be filled with gifts!

May fate give warmth and light

And it won't even hurt your finger.

Let the old year pass away like a grandfather,

And the New Year will come like a boy!

What can I wish you from me?
Next New Year?
Prosperity in the house, in the fireplace,
Always go forward!

Let the sparkle of New Year's fun
Your whole life will be filled!
I wish you immense luck,
Love, care and family warmth.

Twilight. Garlands flicker.
Glitter from Christmas tree balls.
In the palm of the universe
All your dreams are from dreams.

Let a generous hand
It will give you
All wishes will be fulfilled,
Life will become rich with happiness.

New Year's round dance
Of dancing snowflakes.
The holiday will light up the streets,
Christmas trees, bright shop windows.

May you succeed in everything
And everything works out.
Let your face laugh
And happiness never ends.

Santa Claus will give you
Sweet balm for the soul,

And the Snow Maiden will give you a prize -
A striptease dances joyfully!

Just remember guys
It's very bad to sleep in salads!

With a frosty, snowy tread
New Year is coming,
Happiness, joy and hope,
He carries it in his bag.

May he give you good luck,
Friendship, peace and warmth,
And also an apartment, a dacha
And a car under the window!

The brightest, most tender fairy tale,
Let him give you a big stroller again,
Cute, beautiful and lovely children,
Kind, beautiful, talented, not lazy,
Let there be more money in the house than jam,
I wish you good luck and luck,
So much joy and happiness
Let all the bad weather run away to hell!

May the New Year's holiday be with you
He will bring two hundred grams to everyone -
Red and black delicious caviar,
Guests, gifts, fun games!
May he please you with sparkling wine,
And a great New Year's movie!
Never bothers with worries
And he always knows about the love of idleness!

Let everything be like in a fairy tale,
Grandfather will come to you in a sled!
May your wishes always come true,
And don’t tell your secrets to your wife!
About what your salary is,
So it's time to buy a shovel!
About where fishing takes place and with whom,
So that your friends don't have problems!
By the way, and so that the wife loves them
And she let me go to any meeting with them!

To walk through life more boldly
We need to celebrate the New Year more joyfully!
I wish you to burn fireworks to the ground,
I wish you interesting meetings at night,
For example, with the real Santa Claus,
To bestow gifts from the cold!
To find a beautiful wife,
So that he can replenish your treasury!

So that everything is okay with you,
Have a million friends!
Have plenty of wine and beer,
And a sea of ​​sunny positivity!
Even on New Year's Day
Thoughts will be far from frost!

So much joy, light, love and hope,
Brought the New Year in December in bags,
You are beautiful, lady, even without any clothes,
Let them give you fashionable clothes,
The opportunity to shine in silver jewelry,
To lure bright men with kisses,
Be kind, beautiful, don’t cry with a hangover,
Be weird and bright for no reason!

The New Year will step into dreams, into reality,
Gives a lot of happiness and warmth,
Let it seem that tenderness has been lost
And that you no longer have love,
I wish you a lot of joy and fun,
Like a Phoenix, you know how to resurrect,
You are made for heaven, seduction,
This one is very hard to find!

Let troubles run away
Misfortunes spread!
A new year is coming
Let everything be “ok” for you!
As much passion as possible
Decorate your life for her!
As much joy as possible
May Grandfather give you sweets!

We wish you everything in the coming year
May all sins be forgiven!
May our kind grandfather Frost
It won't scare you to tears in winter!
We wish you many treats,
We wish our friends a visit!
A million gifts,
And live without breaking the law!

Santa Claus sent you a confession,
In tenderness, love and witchcraft,
He is so fascinated by the gentle creature,
That he practiced magic,
And I decided that I was giving you gold,
And he will fulfill what you wish,
There will be a lot of money, everything will be rich
Whatever you want, everything will come to you!

When frost breathes cold,
Will cover the streets, flowers, houses, dreams,
Then you will melt it with a free flame
The hearts of friends, girlfriends are only you,
Let the wine fizz in glasses on the table,
Let him keep the course of happiness for success for a year,
You reject all the proposals of impudent people,
Know that you are beautiful, undoubtedly the best!

On New Year's Eve, make a wish,
So that you don’t stumble towards your dreams on the way.
If you can, then fly to them,
If you can’t, at least crawl!

On this New Year I wish
Try everything to the fullest.
Let the fun warm you up
It's like spring outside!

The chimes strike 12 times,
Congratulations now!
Please don't hit anyone yourself
And don't drink too much alcohol.

Congratulations on the offensive
Lifetime updates!
May your New Year prove
What else will you show everyone!

Yellow Dog is your best friend -
He will suddenly get money
Will bring fun to your home,
Will provide housewarming:

In the gilded palace
Yes, with security on the porch.
May it bring good luck
This bright New Year!

We wish you to have fun,
But so as not to fall under the Christmas tree!
And so that Grandfather Frost
They didn’t take you to the sobering-up station!

What can a man wish for the New Year?!
So that his belly does not grow from beer,
So that his friends don't let him down,
Well, money has always loved him!

I wish that the Chinese Dog
Brought to you in 18:
100 True Friends;
200 super ideas;
300 profitable deals
And a hangover without squirrels!

I wish you a dog's life
With special rights
Like a millionaire's dog
On the Hawaiian Islands.
Let the owner rewrite
Your own pool, car, palace
For your beloved dog.
May it finally bring you luck!

May the year of the dog bring you
More success, less adversity,
Desired events, wonderful discoveries,
Let everything you want become reality.
And what you don’t want -
Let the Dog retire,
It gets wrapped up, gnaws, buries itself deep,
And the dog's affairs will cover him like dew.

To keep up with horoscopes
In the Year of the Dog we wish you to become:
Fearless like the Abrek shepherd,
Well-fed and satisfied, like the pug Cheburek,
Fast and nimble, like Toby the greyhound,
Cunningly wise like Bobik the mongrel,
To be higher and further than Strelka and Belka.
To be louder and brighter than the Spitz Shootout.
Be the first and best as a Great Dane Medalist
“CharmAn” and “Handsome” - like a collie Artist
Like a spaniel to be sweet and cuddly,
Like a bull terrier to be menacing and scary.
May you be valued like a mastiff from Tibet:
They groom, feed, and do not demand for it -
Neither “fetch”, nor “voice”, nor “serve”,
Just as you are - to be loved very much!

Let in two thousand and eighteen
Cataclysms will bypass you!
Without unnecessary pretentious speeches
Let’s simply wish without further ado:
In January there are more days off,
In February - warmth from loved ones and relatives,
In March - so that the soul and heart sing,
Spun to flirt in April.
In May to make it sweet and heady
It smelled like a real novel.
And in June, warm and free,
It was loud, bright and fun!
And in July the hot, yellow glow of summer
I would send you out into the wild: to the sea, on vacation!
In August, so that the boss goes on vacation -
To work easier, without sadness...
In September - so that melons and watermelons,
In October – work without loads,
In November - for winnings, profit and income.
In December - gifts, Christmas tree, New Year!
Live in happiness and contentment for a whole year,
Enjoy life, believe and love!

Happy New Year! May this year give you a lot of opportunities and beautiful ideas, happy occasions and good moments.

Happy New Year! May he bring only goodness and happiness, good luck and health to your home. May your life improve many times over in the new year.

Happy New Year and wish you incredible happiness and great luck, a beautiful life and unquenchable love, extraordinary miracles and magical moments.

Happy New Year and wish you with all my heart a great miracle and a magical mood, incredible happiness and great luck for the whole year.

Happy New Year. And on this wonderful and magical holiday, I wish you to find under the Christmas tree a bag of health, a box of happiness, a box of luck, a bag of luck and a jar of sweet mood.

Let your mood be as bright as the lights on a Christmas tree, your thoughts as clear and light as the first snow, and your mood as playful as champagne bubbles! And may this wonderful holiday bring with it a charge of optimism for the whole year ahead! Greet him with a smile and positivity!

I would like to wish you health, happiness, joy and definitely big salaries! Let everything be new in the new year, but let your friends remain old, faithful, kind and dearly loved! Just like you are with us!

Happy holiday to you! Let all doors open, wishes come true, plans come true, dreams come true. Let happiness, like a magical snowflake, fall into your palm and never melt!

Let's have a drink so that Santa Claus will prepare a wonderful gift for our friendly team - a year of stability and prosperity. So that salaries grow faster than prices in stores, and work brings pleasure. Happy New Year, colleagues.

On New Year's Eve, that magical time comes when all your dreams and cherished desires definitely come true. That is why everyone rushes to congratulate their loved ones on this wonderful holiday, expressing words of love, gratitude and wishes for a better life. And many people will have to say something similar, while there simply won’t be time to come up with various and original “blanks” (believe me). That is why it is better to prepare original, funny, kind, festive and real words now, so that during the New Year itself you will be “fully armed.”

There is not so much time for long speeches on New Year’s Eve, because you want to enjoy this wonderful period, which occurs only once a year, longer, so you have to limit yourself to short but very interesting congratulations, imbued with warmth, care and love. All that remains is to give an example of what exactly short New Year’s wishes should be for the 2018 Year of the Yellow Dog in order to please everyone.

New Year's greetings in prose

With the chiming of the chimes, may your soul be cleansed of everything bad and evil that 2017 managed to bring with it. The new period will be that wonderful time, thanks to which the most cherished dreams will become reality and the universe itself will show opportunities, thanks to which even the most impossible tasks will begin to be solved by themselves. Happiness, great luck and an endless ocean of joy. Happy holiday!

I wish next year to be filled to the very brim with luck, joy, hope, dreams, fun, tenderness, love, and dreams of something unattainable. And let the unique inner world be filled with vivid memories of tonight, and gratitude for the outgoing 2017 of the Rooster.

May the miracles of this holiday continue throughout the next 365 days. This means that this time will be filled with gifts, joy, happy smiles, hope and faith in the best. Happy holiday!

Let a real miracle knock on your window on New Year's Eve, bringing faith, hope, love and, of course, luck into your home. Dream and don’t forget that all your wishes will definitely come true.

The time has come to believe in the fairy tale of the New Year, or rather, the night when one life cycle is replaced by a completely different one. At this time, many unpredictable and completely unexpected events can happen, so sometimes you just need to believe. So let this faith show the way to the fairy tale to your heart, and it will be filled with love, faith in the best and true happiness.

I wish that from tomorrow every day will be the same as the current New Year holiday: fragrant, encouraging, bright, unforgettable and pleasant!

Let this time Santa Claus bring the most priceless gifts in his bag especially for you: respect for the house, love for the family, peace for the soul and the brightest feelings for every heart.

I want this New Year’s Eve to turn your life into the same bright flash as the holiday fireworks. Let the next day of 2018 be the beginning of the long-awaited white streak that comes with loyal friends, good work and true love. Happy holiday!

I wish that in honor of such a holiday you find a whole bag of gifts under the tree that will make your life truly unforgettable. Then for the next 365 days you will be blessed with unspeakable luck, and happiness will bubble in your soul, like golden balls of champagne in a festive glass.

I wish that on New Year’s Eve the bright light of garlands will illuminate the path to happiness, sparklers will burn all bridges to the past, and multi-colored firecrackers will fill life with joy.

I want the long-awaited miracle to finally appear in your life. It came quietly and silently filled your whole life.

May 2018 give every person at least 100 new friends, thousands of surprises at every step and at least a million in your pocket (to make your wishes come true). And may all these words definitely come true. Happy New Year!

To make the coming year one of the best in your life, you just have to greet it the right way - like an old friend. Therefore, on this night, be close to those who will help make the festive time truly bright, soulful and definitely joyful. Good luck, love and the end of the crisis. Happy holidays!

New Year's greetings in verse

Cool wishes expressed in your own words on New Year's Eve are very welcome, but sometimes a small quatrain will help you more truly express your own emotions and state of mind.

The New Year has arrived and is knocking.
The people rejoice and celebrate.
I send greetings to my friends.
Happy wonderful day to you! Happy New Year!

May happiness, laughter and joy await you.
Let there be a new twist.
Tangerine sweetness
May the New Year bring you!

Let the snowflakes dance tenderly
Give affection with kindness,
Will open the doors to a boundless world
Love with care and warmth.

May your dreams come true soon
Happy New Year holiday,
A smile will complement every day
And it will bring a lot of happiness.

When the New Year comes,
All the sadness will go away immediately!

Have a glass for him
So that he becomes happy!

Well, he won’t let you down -
Frost is responsible for this.

May the year be rich in laughter,
And it will bring great success,

Will fill hearts with joy,
And he gives money endlessly,

The hearth protects families from troubles,
And it will be full of all sorts of blessings!

What can I wish you from me?
Next New Year?
Prosperity in the house, in the hearth of fire,
Always go forward!

Let the sparkle of New Year's fun
Your whole life will be filled!
I wish you immense luck,
Love, care and family warmth.

Twilight. Garlands flicker.
Glitter from Christmas tree balls.
In the palm of the universe
All your dreams are from dreams.

Let a generous hand
It will give you
All wishes will be fulfilled,
Life will become rich with happiness.

New Year's round dance
Of dancing snowflakes.
The holiday will light up the streets,
Christmas trees, bright shop windows.

May you succeed in everything
And everything works out.
Let your face laugh
And happiness never ends.

Santa Claus will give you
Sweet balm for the soul,

And the Snow Maiden will give you a prize -
A striptease dances joyfully!

Just remember guys
It's very bad to sleep in salads!

With a frosty, snowy tread
New Year is coming,
Happiness, joy and hope,
He carries it in his bag.

May he give you good luck,
Friendship, peace and warmth,
And also an apartment, a dacha
And a car under the window!

All that remains is to choose the most appropriate congratulations for the long-awaited winter holiday and surprise everyone around with your wit and preparedness.

For those who are not distinguished by the gift of eloquence, but at the same time strive to surprise their family and friends with an unusual surprise, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the material that will help you choose beautiful wishes for the New Year 2018 - 2019.

Short wishes to parents

According to a long-standing tradition, the first toast at the New Year's table is given to the closest and dearest people. Kind words spoken in honor of parents will be a real surprise for them and will create an atmosphere of joy, peace and love in the house.

As a festive speech, you can use a pre-prepared congratulation in prose:

"Dear Mom and Dad! Happy New Year opens a new page in your life together. With all my heart I want to wish you that it captures exceptionally happy and sunny moments that bring a sincere smile to your faces. May every day of your life be filled with joy, mutual understanding and love. Let the atmosphere of kindness, family idyll and peace never leave your home, and let your loved ones give you only bright and positive emotions!”

Wishes to friends and acquaintances

It is very important when in everyday life you are surrounded by kind and faithful friends who you can rely on without hesitation in difficult times. In order to express our warm friendship to them, we suggest congratulating them as follows:

"Dear friends! The New Year is just around the corner - a celebration of magic and wonderful achievements. This is a great reason to leave everything bad in the past and start your life with a clean slate. I would like to sincerely wish that every new day in your life is filled with pleasant moments that inspire you to achieve your goals. I wish you indestructible health, harmony and good luck in all your endeavors. Let the warmth of your souls attract into your life only those people around whom you will never feel lonely!”

Wishes to “colleagues” at work

Considering that the lion's share of millions of people's time is spent surrounded by the workforce, it is very important to maintain good professional relationships within them. New Year is exactly the occasion when everyone has a chance to exchange pleasant wishes with their colleagues. This can be easily done using the example below:

"Dear Colleagues! I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year 2019! I sincerely want to wish you inexhaustible energy, prosperity in all areas of life, and most importantly, success in the implementation of all professional plans. May good luck and optimism accompany you throughout this year. I wish you never lose the feeling of peace of mind and mutual understanding in the team. Happy new year friends"!

New Year's greetings for loved ones

Compiling romantic wishes deserves a particularly subtle approach. Here it is important to show maximum creativity and put into the text exactly those words that will touch the deepest facets of the feelings of a loved one. Here is one of the options for New Year's wishes for a guy or girl:

“Happy New Year to you, my beloved soulmate! I am immensely happy that we will celebrate this holiday together, surrounded by mutual tenderness, care and love. I wish that your most cherished dreams come true on this New Year's Eve. May your face be illuminated with a dazzling smile every day of the coming year, and your eyes radiate joy and boundless happiness. Let all misunderstandings, quarrels and grievances remain in the past forever, and let future events bring you only positive emotions!”

Cool wishes for children

As you know, kids love not only New Year's gifts, but also funny jokes. In order to cheer up the little mischievous ones, you can compose funny congratulations for them in verse:

  1. “The wizard Santa Claus brought you various gifts,
    For a whole year in the notebook of fives and the attention of girls,
    Don’t be sad about little things, catch your luck along the way!”
  2. “New Year and Santa Claus brought a holiday to the house,
    They want to fulfill two great wishes for you:
    The first is to make your life rosy and sweet,
    And the second - so that you always listen to mom and dad!”
  3. “The New Year is knocking on the door, the holiday is coming to us,
    And he will bring a basket of happiness to everyone,
    We congratulate the kids on a good bright day,
    We wish everyone joy and gifts in their homes!”

You can also congratulate the kids on behalf of Santa Claus. An excellent example is the following message to children:

“My dear girls and boys! Today I came to congratulate you on the most magical and kind holiday - the New Year, which you have been waiting for so patiently. I have prepared wonderful gifts for you, and in addition, I want to wish you good health, obedience to your parents and success in your studies. If you behave just as well this year, I will come to visit you again and fulfill your deepest desires!”

Dog loyalty and care
They greet us from year to year
And in this year of the dog we
Let us be as faithful as she is

To each other and to our friends,
Your desires and deeds,
And with my thoughts rushing towards dreams,
Remember those who are faithful to us.

May the year enter our home like a dog
Handsome, strong, loyal.
Let everything he brought with him
He will close the door to ours.

He will always be our friend
Enemies will be driven away
And trouble will not enter our house,
The dog can help!

In the glow of golden lights
The holiday is coming again
There are many bright clear days with him,
And happiness and love!

When they strike twelve times
Clock on the Spasskaya Tower,
The fireworks will begin,
Yesterday will disappear.

May all troubles disappear with him,
Cares and sorrows,
Let the New Year be different
Life has started again!

Happy New Year,
We wish you all the best:
So that you don't know sorrows,
No matter how much money is counted,
So that friends don't forget
To warm the home hearth!

Happy New Year
We sincerely wish you happiness!
Let your wishes come true
Don't let bad things happen.

Many new impressions,
Only joyful achievements!
May there be no sorrows or worries
The New Year will not bring you!

On New Year's Day this is the customary wish:
So as not to be bored and ill,
So that all wishes come true,
So that all the relatives would smile.

So that trouble doesn’t come into the house,
So that happiness would step on the threshold,
So that there would be prosperity and peace,
So that love would protect you.

And I also wish with all my heart,
No matter how angry the Dog is,
So that the kind beast devoted to you
The year turned out to be at your door.

May you have a happy new year
He will bring it under the tree for you
Dreams come true
Joy and beauty.

Let work not tyrannize
Let there be no problems at all,
May good luck and rise
They accompany you in everything!

Let life become more beautiful than dreams,
Let love reign in the house,
On this festive night,
Let troubles rush away!

New Year's Eve is like a fairy tale
Full of new hope,
Always magical and beautiful
She comes to every house.

And everyone strives for it with a dream,
That the New Year will come tomorrow,
And a lot of new things will happen,
What will he bring with him?

I don't know exactly the answer,
But here's what I want to wish:
May your summers be long,
And let everything be within your reach.

Don't be discouraged and don't give up,
Go forward and win
Don't part with your loved ones,
Don't forget your friends.

Prosperity for the home, health for loved ones,
Everything else is nonsense.
Let the risks be minimal
And the winnings are always big!

A dog is a beast that brings good luck to the house
He will bring it with him on his paws.
And don’t look at the fact that it’s a dog year,
After all, he gives us hope

That fidelity will be in fashion,
That love will be strong,
And in the house in any weather
We can rekindle the hearth again.

He will give us warmth and affection
Dog year, which is rushing to us,
Everything bad will be corrected,
And he will solve all problems!

As always on New Year's Eve
Everyone is waiting for a miracle,
Let dreams come true,
Happiness smiles!

Let cheerful Santa Claus
Will bring a cartload of gifts,
And will give free
The mood is wonderful.

Let the lights of the elegant fir tree
The fun never ends
The New Year will begin
The holiday remains!

The New Year is knocking on us,
A wonderful miracle will happen!
Santa Claus is on the doorstep,
He brought us gifts!

Take it apart, kids:
Who wants happiness and goodness?
Who wants strong love?
Who's a good neighbor?

Who needs good luck?
And who wants a dacha by the sea?
Whatever you want, get it
But look, don’t yawn!

Look boldly in the New Year,
Tomorrow will be more fun.
The New Year will begin -
It will turn into happiness!

Happy New Year
We wish you happiness and joy,
Fulfillment of all desires,
And good luck in your endeavors.

Let every day be clear
Let all misfortunes pass by,
Impressions round dance
May the New Year bring you!

Congratulations in prose

Happy New Year! May the holiday bring prosperity, prosperity and stability to your home. Let your children please you with their successes and grow up healthy and obedient. May the coming year be the first of many happy years, and may the bright streak never end!

Happy New Year of the Dog! May this year be successful for you in all your endeavors. Let the work not “bite”, the relatives do not “bark”, let the Dog show you its kindest disposition and be affectionate, obedient, and devoted. Well-being to you and all the best!

On the New Year, I would like to wish you the fulfillment of all your plans. Let everything you planned to do in the new year definitely work out. Let all your undertakings be crowned with success, and let the good things that you would like to preserve multiply! Good health, true love and peaceful skies above our heads!

Happy New Year! Health and good luck to everyone in the coming year! Let the fabulous New Year's Eve be just the beginning of a wonderful twelve months, each of which will be filled with love and joy. Let the business you do bring you pleasure and good income. May your family live in prosperity and prosperity, may your friends not forget you, and may your loved ones always be there. Happy holiday!

With all my heart I would like to congratulate everyone gathered at the festive table on this beautiful fabulous night! Let us remember the passing year with kindness, forgive all our failures, and let them remain in the past. Let's look at the coming year with joyful anticipation and faith that only the best awaits us ahead! That all the troubles will finally end, that we will always have comfort and prosperity in our home. May the people who are sitting next to us now remain close to us for a long time. Let's please each other and not forget that the new year is always the beginning of something new and interesting. Happy New Year to all!

I wish you a great mood, sincere smiles, joyful events and new wonderful achievements in the coming year. May all roads be open for you, and may everything work out well for you and your loved ones. Happy holiday!

New Year 2018 is the Year of the Dog. This animal is devoted, loving and faithful, a symbol of friendship and home warmth. So in the coming year, may you have the most faithful friends, the most caring loved ones, the greatest love! Let the house become a full cup, and the future be bright and joyful, and meet every day with new amazing discoveries.

Happy New Year! I wish you never to lose heart, because a new time in life begins, full of opportunities and beginnings. May everything work out for you this year, may everything turn out the way you wanted. Don’t lose your loved ones, take care of your loved ones, take care of your health and always strive for your dreams, and everything else will follow.

Happy New Year everyone! Every year we expect that now our wishes will definitely come true, and I believe that this will happen this year! Misfortunes and troubles will remain in the past, and the most joyful, wonderful and happiest time of our lives awaits us ahead. Happy holiday and good luck to everyone!

Happy New Year, with new beginnings. Let the business be successful, let the clients be grateful, and let the work bring not only income, but also joy! Health, comfort in the home, happiness to all family, friends and loved ones.

Happy New Year 2018! Let the faithful and devoted Dog bring warmth and comfort to your home. May your life be illuminated with love, may you never lack friends, and may your endeavors always end successfully. Let everything you have been putting off for later come true now, and may you meet your greatest luck this year!

Happy New Year! In the Year of the Dog, I wish you success in business and personal life, and the fulfillment of all your desires. Love, harmony and stability. Happy New Year and new happiness!