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Congratulations is a mystery. Original congratulations on the anniversary Congratulation in riddles on your birthday

Home quest - a way to give any gift in an original and fun way, turning it into an interesting, exciting game. Why such a name? In general, a quest is a kind of game with various ciphers and riddles that lead to the main prize along the chain.

Main idea: the surprise is hidden in a secluded place, and the player is given a message-riddle-indication with a hint where to look for the next note. Solving all the riddles leads the player to the place where the gift is located. The simplest version of this entertainment is an indoor quest.

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

Original birthday greetings - an exciting adventure with the search for a hidden gift from notes


So, your task is to make sure that the player finds the gift in the right place after solving a series of riddles or completing mini-tasks. For this you need:

  1. Decide on a secluded place where you hide the gift.
  2. Make a chain of items that are in your house, which will lead to a hidden gift (the end point in it is the place where the gift will lie). Hints-tasks can be hidden in a variety of places - from the washing machine and oven to the mailbox in the stairwell. The chain must be carefully thought out so that the items do not intersect along the way and do not lead ahead of time to the gift.
  3. Come up with and beautifully arrange messages-riddles-instructions.
  4. Arrange all the messages in their places. In order not to get confused, you can number them and draw up a layout diagram for yourself.

The optimal number of stages is from 6 to 10: more can make the quest tedious, and less can make the quest too fleeting. But this, of course, is a general recommendation - perhaps you will get a wonderful quest consisting of 5 stages (if the tasks are difficult) or, conversely, of 15 stages.

The quest can be made even more enjoyable and exciting if there are several gifts along the way (let the tasks be accompanied, for example, by chocolates or small souvenirs).


Where can I get riddles? The easiest option is to find riddles on the Internet, but you can also compose them yourself, since they do not have to correspond to poetic canons at all. And if they contain humor or something individual, personal (for example, associated with some kind of fun occasion), then this will certainly be very pleasant for the birthday man! To make it easier for you, we offer a selection of riddles to help you compose a quest indoors:

Every day at six in the morning
I'm cracking: it's time to get up!

Who walks the night and walks the day
Not knowing what laziness is?

Reveal your secrets
Ready for anyone
But you are from her
You won't hear a word!

There is a leaf, there is a spine,
Although not a bush and not a flower.
Lie on your mother's knees
Will tell you about everything.

Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn
Not a person, but tells.

She speaks silently
But clear and not boring.
You talk to her more often -
You will become four times smarter!

Against the wall, big and important,
The house is multi-storey.
We're downstairs
All tenants have already been read.

There is a portrait in the room
Looks like you in every way.
You laugh - and in response
He laughs too.

And shines and shines
It doesn't flatter anyone.
And tell the truth to anyone -
Everything, as it is, will show him!

I silently look at everyone
And everyone is looking at me.
Merry see laughter
I cry with sadness.

This eye is a special eye:
He quickly looks at you
And will be born
The most accurate portrait of you!

What will this eye look at?
Everything will be transferred to the picture.

In this little thing
A warm breeze set in.
(hair dryer)

Two bellies, four ears.

She puffs up her sides
Your four corners
And you, as the night falls,
It will still draw you in.

I'm comfortable, very soft,
It's not hard for you to guess
Very fond of me people
Sit and lie down.

Here are hangers and shelves,
Like floors in a house
Pants, blouses, t-shirts -
Everything is in order!

I really like to wander through the carpets,
On soft sofas, in dark corners.
I always find delicious dust there
And I buzz loudly with pleasure.
(Vacuum cleaner)

Although he often inhales the dust -
Not sick, not sneezing.
(Vacuum cleaner)

I see dust - I grumble,
I'll finish and swallow!
(Vacuum cleaner)

Sleeping on matter
I stick my sharp nose everywhere.
Oh, and I'm angry and hissing.
I don't like wrinkled o-very much!

Strokes everything it touches
And if you touch it, it bites.

Lives without a language
Doesn't eat or drink
And he speaks and sings.
(Radio, TV)

What a miracle, what a box?
Himself a singer and himself a storyteller,
And besides, at the same time
Shows movies.

Unfold the sheet quickly -
There you will see many lines
In the lines - the news of the whole world
What kind of leaf is this?

Not a house, but not a street either.
High, but not scary.
(Balcony, loggia)

He is at home and not at home,
Between heaven and earth.
Guess, buddy
What did the verse encrypt?

He props up the window
We put flowers on it.

We always walk together
Similar as brothers.
We are at dinner - under the table,
And at night - under the bed.

I have legs, but I don't walk
I'm with my back, but I don't lie,
You sit down - and I stand.

I look a little like a table
Available in the kitchen and hallway.
I rarely go to the bedroom
And I'm called...

The bread saves
Does not give staleness.
For bread - a house,
He is good in it.
(bread box)

On the stove is a pot chief.
Thick, long-nosed…

iron mouth
Grabbed a sandwich
Browned the sides -
And yet!

They stuffed her mouth with meat
And she chews it
Chewing, chewing and not swallowing -
Everything goes to the plate.
(Meat grinder)

And pancakes, and scrambled eggs,
And potatoes for lunch
And pancakes - wow!
Roasts everything...

Roast meat, cook soup,
She bakes pies.
She has here and there
Very hot.

I have a big belly
It contains sausages, cheese, compote.
If you want to eat, don't be shy
Open your belly!

He's handsome and cold
You won't go hungry with it!
Where even in summer it snows
More hints are waiting for you!

Admire, look -
North Pole inside!
There sparkles snow and ice,
Winter lives there.
Forever us this winter
Brought from the store.

Where there are delicious meals, where there are family conversations.
(Kitchen table)

A close relative of the broom,
Sweep corners in the house.
He is certainly not a bum,
Litter will help to remove ...

Do you want to find the answer sooner?
Look for a clue where the bright light is!
(Chandelier, floor lamp, sconce, table lamp)

You will always find a hint
Where the water splashes noisily.

There is a box in the bathroom,
Eye transparent and round looks.
It's interesting to look into the eye when
There is water in this box.
(Washing machine)

I am related to Moidodyr,
Turn me away
And cold water
I will kill you alive.
(Crane, a note is suspended from it)

Lots of teeth, but nothing to eat.

In our house under the window
There is a hot accordion:
Does not sing and does not play -
She warms the house.
(Heating battery)

I will let you into any house,
You knock - I'm glad to knock.
But one thing I will not forgive -
If you don't give me your hand!

There are both in the house and in the apartment,
Often more than four
And without them we can't enter
Always get in the way!

Meets everyone with one hand,
The other handle - escorts.
Doesn't offend anyone
But everyone is pushing her...

On the squares of the board
The kings brought down the regiments.
No for battle with regiments
No bullets, no bayonets.

Look, the house is standing
Filled to the brim with water
Without windows, but not gloomy,
Transparent on four sides
Residents in this house
All skilled swimmers.

Round, smooth like a watermelon
Color - any, for different tastes.
When you let go of the leash,
Fly away for the clouds.

I'm in my school bag
I'll tell you how you learn.

On New Year's Eve he came to the house
Such a ruddy fat man,
But every day he lost weight
And finally completely disappeared.

You turn - a wedge,
Unfold - damn it.

He reveals himself
He closes you.
Only the rain will pass -
Will do the opposite.

A house made of tin, and the tenants in it - to lead.

It hangs in plain sight
All year round swallows news.

Options for possible hints and places to hide them, as well as interesting ideas on how to beat some items

  • balloon with a message inside
  • soft toy with a note in its paws
  • instead of a riddle - a set of letters from which you need to make a word
  • drawing with a clue inside the candy
  • a plate of cake with an attached sign "Eat me!", with a note under the treat
  • text file or picture (photo) with a hint on a flash drive
  • text message or email with instructions on what to do next
  • a hint in the camera - a pre-taken photo of the next item from your chain; the player needs to take the camera and view the photos
  • hint in the newspaper - the necessary word highlighted with a marker (circled by a pen) (or we select letters in different articles from which the player needs to make a word)
  • At one of the stages, the player finds objects or pictures that play an important role in some work (fairy tale) - the player must guess what this work is and find a book with it. The book contains the following clue.
  • In a riddle, the key word may not be the word “picture” itself, but what is depicted on it. For example, in the picture there is a waterfall. Then, having guessed the riddle, the birthday boy will think about what the word “waterfall” means: a faucet in the bathroom, a shower, or something else. Then guess about the picture.
  • Compose a crossword puzzle (preferably on some interesting suitable topic), in which the highlighted letters are the keywords of the place where the gift is hidden.
  • The player finds a message and sees the following: a cell phone is shown on the sheet, an arrow from it to your pasted photo, from the photo an arrow with the inscription "Code word", then again an arrow and some phrase (it is desirable that it be very funny). This hint suggests calling you on the phone and telling you the password - in response, you also say a phrase (for example, a rhyme or a proverb) in which the next hint is encrypted.
  • Take a picture of the room where you are going to hide the gift, then print the photo in A4 format. Next, put it in a transparent file and put a cross on this file in the place where the surprise will lie. Then cut the photo into several parts. These will be the "puzzles" that the birthday man needs to collect. At the end point of the chain, put a blank sheet of A4 format, a glue stick and a transparent file with a cross - the birthday boy will need to stick the "puzzles" on a piece of paper, put it in the file and see where the "treasure" lies.

As you can see, there are a lot of options. When preparing the quest, you can use these examples or give free rein to your imagination and come up with something original. The main thing is to invest love during cooking, and the return will definitely please you!

Beginning of the game

A message with a description of the game and the first riddle can be:

  • Give the birthday person in person
  • Send as SMS
  • Put in a visible place or attach to the wall
  • Transfer through friends or neighbors, using a courier service - it all depends on your imagination and your capabilities

Approximate text of the message:

"Happy birthday! A gift has been prepared for you, but it is safely hidden. Complete all the tasks, and then you will find it. Good luck! »

And then you watch how the player solves your messages with passion and finds a gift. Alternatively, you can invite friends to participate, and then the adventure will turn into a real holiday for everyone. In any case, such a surprise will surely please the birthday boy, and the memory of this wonderful adventure will warm him for a long time!

An approximate scenario for conducting a quest game in an apartment for a husband (beloved man)

(let's say you decide to hide the gift in the microwave)

Morning. Your other half walks into the bathroom and sees a beautiful message pinned to the wall in which you wish him a happy birthday.

Below is written:

P.S. Check out the washing machine!

At this point, you join your loved one and watch the search for a surprise.

In the washing machine, the husband finds a message:

“I have prepared a gift for you, but I will not give it. I propose to participate in the quest game and find my surprise yourself!

Kohl on all my riddles
Can you find the answer
That gift you will receive
Or rather, you will find it yourself!

Written right there Riddle #1:

He's handsome and cold
You won't go hungry with it!

Riddle #2

In the refrigerator there is a plate with a cake, to which the sign “Eat me!” is attached, and at the bottom of the plate, under the cake, there is an image of a flash drive.

Riddle #3

On the flash drive there is a pre-created text file called “Happy Birthday!”, And there is the following riddle clue:

With one hand - meets everyone,
The other handle - escorts.
Doesn't offend anyone
But everyone is pushing her...

Riddle #4

Hidden on one of the doors is a small note rolled up into a tube:

The house is made of tin, and the tenants in it are to lead.

Riddle #5

In the mailbox is a "letter" - an envelope with a new riddle:

He is at home and not at home,
Between heaven and earth.
Guess, buddy
What did the verse encrypt?

Riddle #6

On the balcony is the following note:

I have legs, but I don't walk
I'm with my back, but I don't lie,
You sit down - and I stand.

Riddle #7

A sticker with a riddle is glued under the seat of the chair:

Unfold the sheet quickly -
There you will see many lines
In the lines - the news of the whole world
What kind of leaf is this?

Riddle #8

Newspaper hint - highlighted (circled in pen) word TV (or we highlight in different articles the letters from which you need to compose this word)

Riddle #9

There is a sticker on the back of the TV with a riddle on it:

What will this eye look at?
All the picture will convey.

This will be the last riddle. The task of the birthday boy is to guess what to do next. The fact is that he needs to look through the photos and find among them an image of a microwave oven (you need to prepare in advance - take a close-up photo of the oven). In it, a loved one will find your gift!

If you want to please the birthday boy with more interesting and intricate tasks, or if you don’t have the time and opportunity to find good ideas and arrange everything beautifully, we bring to your attention. By the titles of the articles, you can find a quest game scenario suitable for the occasion for any age.

We congratulate you on the New Year from all of us in order to merge in a single impulse all our sympathies for you into one great feeling. We love and respect you! Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

Stand firmly on your feet

Your competitors are not a hindrance.

May the new year bring success

In business, more and more scope awaits.

Happy New Year to the best employee of our company! We are grateful to you for the fact that you have worked all this year to achieve our common goal. We hope that next year our company will be successful and successful thanks to your hard work and creative approach to any business! Happy New Year!

Dear employee! Our team is grateful to you for your great work for the prosperity of our company. We want to wish you a Happy New Year and ask fortune to never turn away from you! And everything else that depends on you, you will do yourself. Health to you and your loved ones in the coming year!

It comes from a rich soul,
She is quiet and winged in the song.
And the poet called her "genius",
After all, there is nothing more beautiful in the world.
What are we talking about? Did you know?
I wish you a clean New Year...

Someone always misses them
And someone's chickens do not peck.
They save a lot sometimes.
Sometimes they don't let me sleep peacefully.
I wish you in the New Year, so that in the summer
You could go to the Cote d'Azur,


Live happily ever after.
May there always be enough...


Each of us understands
What is always more fun with him.
May the new year surround you
More reliable...


Sms-congratulations on the sign of the zodiac

Bright, reckless and incomparable Aries! Happy New Year! You came into this world a hero and a winner. Flag in your hands! I will follow the path you have laid out with full confidence that it will lead me to an interesting, fascinating world where there is no place for boredom and despondency.

Only you, dear Aries,
I do not pretend with an open soul -
I've been sick with a warm heart for a long time.
I love you without memory!
And Happy New Year, congratulations,
I wish happiness only with me!

Peaceful, patient Taurus! Nature itself rejoices in you, reviving itself and stretching young shoots towards you.

So is it worth being capricious over trifles, overshadowing the holiday of life? Have fun looking at the world! Diversify it - you have such a craving for everything bright, festive! Happy New Year to you, Taurus! With new happiness!

Let's celebrate the holiday at Taurus,
Having bought food, wine,
And without further thought
Let's go for congratulations.

Happy New Year, beautiful Taurus!
What are you sad like a rainy day,
Or are you captured again
Expecting change?

Happy New Year!
I want to live in harmony
Let the possibilities and feelings
Combine skillfully!

There are many hearts in the world
Filled with passionate love.
But one Taurus is dear to me
Soft and beautiful soul!
Let there be many zodiac signs
My choice will be the same:
Ready to the very end
Happy New Year to Taurus.

Curious Gemini! I am writing to you to rejoice together on New Year's holiday. You love society, and I love you and wish the kaleidoscope of your friends and girlfriends to give you incendiary meetings all next year. Wishing you new successes and victories in the New Year!

Today is the holiday of Gemini -
Lively and nimble daredevils.
I wish them Happy New Year
Congratulations today, and I dream
Great time to spend
In their society, bring them
The cure for all diseases -
Communication is the best
For our lovely Twins!
Friends are needed from all over!

Girlfriend never gets closer.
Smart. Do not deceive you.
Charming. Movable.
Sociable. And this is the point.
When I see you, I immediately shut up,
But in the New Year, I still write:
Darling! Dear! Expensive!
I love you the most in this world!

Sensitive and languid Cancer! The holiday has come to your street! Happy New Year! You are created by nature for beautiful love and a warm home - preferably with a half that understands and supports you. And I wish you next year to live in such a house, not to retreat to the past and not to engage in self-digging and self-flagellation.

How timid, gentle, affectionate Cancer!
He is ready to give everything
For so.
But on New Year's
I won't take from him
And then
I will present, I dreamed about what
He himself.

Cupid, carefree merry fellow,
Hearts connect easily.
You are dear to me, my dear Cancer, -
It's never boring with you!
I want you for the New Year
I wish not to know adversity!
I congratulate you every happy
No need to backtrack!

Dear Leo, Happy New Year to you! Who else is able to give people holidays, shower them with gifts, entertain and amuse, if not you?! Your generosity and generosity are dear and pleasant to me. Do you want to sparkle like a star?

And you are the star to be admired! Do not fade in the coming year, and friends will always reach out to you!

Everyone knows
New Year is an important holiday
And for Leo, and for us.
Let's celebrate now!
Leo is a star! He is the center of the universe!
We are proud of our Leo.
And be sure to congratulate
Must Leo with January Day!

Happy New Year.
You are always an idol for us!
And with all our hearts we wish:
Be what you are now.
Energetic, most faithful,
The most generous among us.
And diligent in his deeds,
How much power in reserve!

Exquisite and skeptical Virgo! You have already calculated - I am writing you a New Year's sms - and, as always, you were not mistaken.

Congratulations! Are you expecting gifts? I give you the most precious thing in the world for you - love, selfless, not infringing on your freedom and independence. You are happy?

Then I wish you in the coming year to find the only one to whom you will give everything without demanding anything in return! Don't miss your chance!

Finally the moment has come
Compliment Virgo:
After all, today is the New Year!
People are celebrating everywhere!
In congratulations, a compliment -
The most important element!
You are chic and luxurious
If you are careful with fashion.
You are beautiful and smart
Strong in reasoning.
Accept congratulations!
I wish love and excitement,
And great achievement
After informed decisions.

Charming and complaisant Libra! I congratulate you on the New Year, and you, having weighed what has been said, complete my sms gracefully. Libra is the pinnacle of elegance, which manifests itself in everything: in partnership, friendship, love. Like no one, they are able to make a good impression, please, find happiness in the success of the whole team. You feel deceived if you are not loved - and you are right: it is impossible not to love you. You seem to be a favorite of Lady Luck herself.

May she smile at you again in the new year!

Happy New Year,
Our significant sign.
We want now
Congratulate you like this.
Charm and affection
Persuasion and fairy tale -
Everything is going well with Libra
To be healthy and happy
Were all - and a whole year.

Erotic and warlike Scorpio! The New Year has come - and I am at your feet! I congratulate you, magical sign. What to wish a person for whom there are no barriers in anything?

Even more charm and magnetism. I am already in your power: admired, subdued, doomed to eternal love. Happy New Year and new achievements!

How to congratulate a Scorpio
Doom Champion
With violent passions
Riots, dramas and fights?
Happy New Year!
You won't find a brighter sign.
Feelings today without hiding
I love you.

Hey Sagittarius Traveler! From distant wanderings - albeit through the back streets of the soul - returning, are you ready to accept congratulations on the New Year? Congratulations! With your clear mind, you are capable of great accomplishments not only for the benefit of your friends - show your perseverance and courage in business!

You look timidly:
What is this box?
It's not without reason that the bow is bright here,
Because in her...

Delicious, sweet it tastes,
But I'll tell you - not a watermelon ...
They cut it on a holiday
Happy birthday congratulations.

Once a year he comes
Wishes - a million
The holiday is very bright
They give you gifts.

We are all sitting at the table
We eat delicious meals.
Let's congratulate the man
And it will start...

Gives a birthday holiday
Lots of wild fun
the best news
And smiling...

On holidays they are
The eyes of the guests are attracted by:
airy, beautiful,
Loved by kids.

Multicolored ones:
Small and big...
On our birthday we need

She's so bright
Glitter, color.
There are congratulations and poems,
All desires are yours.
It is given from the heart
Your generous guests.

Burning on the cake
Eyes sparkle with joy.
You make a wish
And blow them out quickly.

Beautiful cake on the table
I want to eat it
Birthday boy, don't yawn
Pour it soon...

Today is your holiday!
And we all congratulate!
Health, joy, love -
We sincerely wish!

We wish, simply, to receive -
great pleasure,
All because you have today...

He meets guests at the door
And accepts gifts.
He is the instigator of the holiday!
Who is this?...
birthday boy

This is a treat, my friends.
We know from childhood, you and I.
Dressed in bright dresses
The holiday will be sweetened

Everyone knows him -
It melts on the tongue.
Anyone will be happy to eat
When they give...

Happy birthday holiday
Raises the mood.
Make a wish you
And everything will come true...

Without any doubt
Today is a great birthday!
Enough joy for everyone
Sounds fun...

Looks like an ordinary broom,
They just don't sweep.
It's important that they bring it in
And solemnly handed over.

And then put in a vase
And admire for a hundred years
You guess right away
This is a festive...

They are pulled so painfully
On a certain day
When you scream, that's enough
There is simply no answer.

They burn juicy
Hang like pears
Oh how unlucky
You poor...

Everyone came for the birthday
The birthday boy is very happy
To stop the moment

Everyone congratulates today
On their birthday they wish:
Happiness, expanse for the soul
And great...

If she is fast
They all jump to the ceiling.
Just got slow
They break up in pairs.

What flickers outside the window
Dark at night, even during the day
When is a holiday, birthday,
And enough mood
Launch into the sky here
Bright festive...

We heartily congratulate
May happiness last forever
Only joy and laughter
And accompanies...

1. Original congratulations "Starfall of wishes"

Perhaps you will know your fate! (To the music, for example, "Star Country" "Happy birthday" or "We wish happiness
You ”- everyone takes turns tossing their stars with wishes, the birthday girl tries to catch them. Caught stars with wishes are read aloud to the hero of the day.

Fallen stars - the host, with the help of guests, collects and uses them in the next game moment - "Star Necklace"). Game moment "Star necklace". The guests are conditionally divided into 2 teams, a star is handed out to each and a relay race is arranged: which of the teams from their stars, beautiful braid and paper clips will quickly collect and hand over their star necklace to the hero of the day.

Such an original congratulation for an anniversary with a star theme is especially good. 2. Congratulations on the anniversary of the woman "Portrait of a birthday girl."

(For this original congratulation, which is held at the table, you need to stock up on a frame with a blank sheet of paper and multi-colored markers or felt-tip pens): I propose not just to say congratulations, but to draw it, because each of us is an artist at heart. (A frame with a place for a future portrait and felt-tip pens are passed from guest to guest.

It is important for the presenter to unobtrusively manage the process so as not to lose dynamics and at the same time not to lose the expressiveness of the presentation of the poetic number) I ask you to draw in turn, what I will read about. But imagine the composition well - let's start with the face. And the portrait will be full-length, so that everyone complements the work of a neighbor, remembering that each of the guests must contribute to this masterpiece. Started! (under the number 1 - a portrait detail for the first guest, under the number 2 - for the second, etc., each draws his own and passes it on to the next. If there are more guests, you can offer to draw one detail in pairs) 1. Draw eyes
Irina is beautiful: Brown, sly and funny (given to neighbor) 2. Eyelashes shot up, right up to the eyebrows,
The look of these eyes has become more cheerful (given to neighbor) 3. We draw a nose with a curved comma .... Funny, looks like a funny question (given to neighbor) 4. And there is a place for a smile in a portrait,
The sweetest smile in the world (given to neighbor) 5. Let's paint the ruddy cheeks a little (given to neighbor) 6. Ears with a diamond, of course, decorate (given to neighbor) 7. We will cover the head with a fashionable hairstyle,
To become
Irina is like a queen... (given to neighbor) 8. Then draw a beautiful body (given to neighbor) 9. And skillful hands for every business (given to neighbor) Yes, not some, but better (given to neighbor) 11.

We will put the legs in fashionable shoes (given to neighbor) 12. We will draw a good heart for her (given to neighbor) 13. Still, let's draw a riddle inside her
Feminine zest - the sweetest!

(given to neighbor) 14. Beautiful voice
Ira will be rewarded
Besides musical - we want it that way (given to neighbor) 15. We draw a dress, well, very glamorous,
Top in ruffles, and bottom - openwork (given to neighbor) 16. Still in the hands of a crocodile bag (given to neighbor) 17. She has a cosmetic bag and a fashionable mobile phone (given to neighbor) 18.

Another card with a bank account,
In which zeros, well, simply, without taking into account (given to neighbor) 19. Draw next to
Iroy cool car (given to neighbor) 20. And a cottage by the sea, well, very large (given to neighbor) 21. Another convenient garage next to the house (given to neighbor) 22.

And ready luggage for travel! (given to neighbor) 23. At the top we will write: “Happy birthday!” (given to neighbor) 24. And good wishes - we will not regret it! (given to neighbor) 25.

Let's draw flowers and fireworks in the corner! (given to neighbor) 26. We will hand over a portrait and
Kiss Irina! (They give a portrait as a gift, they offer to take a picture with a portrait)

3. Unusual congratulations to the woman "Soap opera".

This original congratulation is intended for the anniversary of a woman who loves to watch TV shows and melodramas. For him, you need to stock up on several bars of soap under the following names: “Baby”, “Flowers of Love”, “Family”, “Baby”, “Favorite”, “Tar”, “Grandma's Soap”, “Berry” and “Dolce Vita”. It is best to pack the soap in beautiful boxes or put it in a picturesque gift basket. If you can’t find a soap with the mentioned names, then it is quite possible to pick up something that is suitable in meaning.

“Practically every woman has a soft spot for soap operas. And let's make our birthday girl the main character of a fascinating series!
I'm sure the Oscar is in her pocket!
So, here is our beautiful heroine at the very beginning of her life journey. (give baby soap). She grows and flourishes, entering the most beautiful time of a girl's life - she falls in love (give "Flowers of Love"). Blooming like a beautiful flower, it becomes inimitable. And, naturally, the most worthy man appears on her horizon, who becomes her chosen one. (soap "Family"). Very little time passes, and the newlyweds become happy parents ("My baby") . The joint life of the spouses is full of mutual understanding and love. (give soap "Favorite"), but don't you think that everything is going a little too smoothly? After all, it does not happen!
That's why. Without going into details, let's add a fly in the ointment to this barrel of honey ("Tar"). Moreover, after quarrels, reconciliation is so sweet. Time is running.

Like a good mother, our birthday girl at one point becomes just a great granny ("Grandma's soap"). Finally, a moment comes in her life when she can live for herself and her beloved husband, because the time, rich in everyday difficulties and problems, has passed, and she herself has reached her peak - her 45th birthday!
And how do people say? Right!
At 45, a woman is a berry again! (give soap "Berry"). However, the end of our "soap opera" means only the beginning of the sweet life. (the line of soap "Dolce Vita")!" If you want to arrange such a “soapy” surprise for a woman with a different anniversary date, just rewrite the end of the story by replacing the “Berry” soap, for example, with the “Flower” or “Autumn Garden” soap.

4. Congratulation - a joke "The best gift for a girl is "Vasya." To carry out this comic congratulations P preliminarily draw on a sheet of whatman paper
Vasya according to your own taste. The main thing is that it should be the size of a human height.

We paint over the left ear with red, but from above we cover it with the same organ of hearing, only flesh-colored (we attach this false ear to double-sided tape). Doing
Vasya and removable underpants, whatever frivolous colors you want, we fasten in the same manner over quite decent underpants, for example, with the inscription "Happy Birthday!".
Before unwrapping the “gift”, you can arrange a poll among the guests (like a musical hat), approach several guests and ask what gift it is better to give a girl, and the DJ turns on various cuts of songs in turn: “Girls' best friends are diamonds”, “Cinema, wine and dominoes…”, “This dark cherry shawl” and others, and the last one will be “Of course,
Vasya. Vasya,
Vasya. Well, who doesn't know him? Vasya,
Vasya ..” - with this answer, present “Vasya” in all its splendor and read out to the hero of the occasion the instructions for its use: 1. Vasya does not take up much space, is compact and convenient, an indispensable assistant in the household and everyday life 2. After all
Vasya will always greet you with a mysterious smile and, of course, will not ask: “Where have you been?! 3. When everything went wrong and you want to “just tear and throw” - Vasya is always at hand to throw darts and plates at him - he still won’t be offended.

4. If you are bored and have nothing to do, you can
Vasya ... colorize! 5. Vasya is muscular, so when you return home late, you can safely take him with you. It will protect you from any misfortunes (just roll it into a tight tube beforehand)! 6. Vasya can put a flashlight under his eye, and your house will always be light! 7. Vasya can be used as a lie detector, because when you lie in his presence, his left ear turns red (At these words, we remove the removable ear). 8. Also
Vasya can be dressed and undressed (the upper shorts are removed with a slight movement of the hand, but under them there are others with the inscription "Happy Birthday!" or "I love you!")" Then "Vasya" can be twisted and, tied with a gift ribbon, handed to the birthday girl, turning on the group's song again
Bravo, of course.
5. Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary "Sand ceremony". For the sand ceremony, colored sand is used, painted with dry gouache or school chalk.

Several basic colors are chosen, which carry a symbolic meaning: green means health, yellow - optimism, red - love, blue - self-confidence, purple - spiritual enlightenment, and so on. Salt of different colors is poured into small containers; you can use gravy boats, beautifully decorated glasses, goblets, vases. It is necessary to prepare another, larger container, where, mixing different colors, the congratulation participants will pour colored salt. It can be an elegant bottle, a decorative vase or a flow jar made of transparent material. The main thing is that it is hermetically sealed.

The sand ceremony itself consists of the fact that the relatives of the hero of the day are invited to choose salt of the color whose symbolic meaning coincides with the main wish of the relative. Beautiful background music is turned on, and relatives take turns pouring salt into a common container for everyone, each in the proportion in which he wishes the birthday man health, love or spiritual enlightenment.

It turns out very beautifully: inside the glass vessel, peculiar swirls are created from multi-colored salt. Then the result of the sand ceremony is presented to the hero of the day as a keepsake with best wishes. (Also, as a beautiful and lyrical moment, you can arrange an original congratulation "Family Hearth" on a woman's anniversary) 6. Comic "heartfelt" congratulations from guests - men (For congratulations to two or three men, distribute the words, dividing the text and saying who is behind whom and to give everyone a souvenir heart for the birthday girl, which they will hand over to the culprit at the end)

Original congratulations riddle on the Anniversary.

It has long become customary for us to congratulate our relatives and friends with verses, many verses have more than once caressed our ears. But there is another original way to congratulate the hero of the day on his anniversary. The riddle is a wish. The hero of the day will listen very carefully to your congratulations, because at the end of the congratulations he needs to answer the riddle. Here are ten simple examples of such riddles. They are preceded by a small tuning poem. We don't feel sorry for the days gone by.
We are ready for new discoveries.
The spring bush will open the leaves,
And today we celebrate it. Wishes flow like a mountain river,
It was like a blessing came from heaven.
With a little effort,
You try to guess them yourself. 1. Well, if there is a lot of it. But money can't buy it. Any road is not terrible with him,
It is pleasant and fun to live with him.
And when suddenly it is not enough,
Attacks a terrible disease,
We wish today with love:
Try to live up to a hundred years,
Let it not let you down ... (Health). 2. They warm our soul and pocket
And allow us to live luxuriously.
You can be both full and drunk with them,
And you can take women to a restaurant. Someone always misses them
And someone's chickens do not peck.
They sometimes save a lot
Sometimes they don't let me sleep peacefully. We want you to be able every summer
Ride on
Cote d'Azur, May all dreams come true on this wonderful day!
I wish you to be happy from now on!
Let the cheerful ray of the sun shine in the eyes,
Tirelessly men let them carry on their hands!
Souls, priceless, the flame will warm everyone around.
You are the dearest and best friend. I heartily congratulate you and tell you:
You are the best person on earth! * I wish your eyes to burn,
Burn with love, tenderness and passion,
I wish your soul to sing songs,
Words to which happiness dictates.
I wish to live in harmony with myself,
Smile to illuminate friends and loved ones,
Know how to give and receive love
And ignite from the slightest spark.
The fire of hopes and wildest dreams,
I want fate to keep you
And all desires, like many bright candles,
She made it just for you.
I wish you a strong shoulder
To not be afraid to lean on him,
Love such that it was hot ....
Be happy, loved and desired!

You can wish someone happiness, health, money with riddle verses. This, I think, is a very original way of congratulating. The birthday boy will listen carefully, and not distractedly, because he will have to name the guess word. Such a congratulation will be remembered for a long time!

Everyone says: she is the salvation of the world.
She is heard in the sound of the lyre.
She is seen in a beautiful flower,
In the radiance of the stars and in the clear sun,
In the majesty of the polar ice
In the expanse of flood meadows.
It comes from a rich soul,
She is in the song quiet and winged,
And the poet called her a genius.
After all, there is nothing more beautiful in the world.
What are we talking about? Did you know?
We wish you clean ............... BEAUTY.

You can rely on them
As for yourself.
When joy or sorrow happens,
They will share it with you.
Their main quality is loyalty.
They won't let us down
They will show sensitivity and tenderness,
They will go to reconnaissance with you.
And everyone understands
It's always more fun with them.
Let life surround you
More reliable..................... FRIENDS.

She is so treacherous
And catches the net every time
Breaking my heart into pieces,
Pushing us to exploits.
Yes, all ages are submissive to her.
She will come when you do not expect.
And serenades under the balcony
You sing all night long.
When to play hide and seek with you
She will start - catch her!
We wanted to wish you
Big and fiery ......... LOVE

Everyone understands it in their own way.
It is like a tit in the hands.
Sometimes there is knocking at the door,
That somewhere soars in the clouds.
Sometimes it is called family.
Know how to protect it.
They find him not behind a distant mountain,
But just from friendly meetings.
Women have one thing, men have another.
But let after troubles and bad weather
You will meet big things in life
Incomparable to anything ......................... HAPPINESS

It's hard to overcome adversity
But nevertheless it is possible.
You won't cry over the problem
If you look at her differently.
Beloved you became objectionable,
Well, now you're free.
The need for coins, eco business,
But the body will be slimmer.
Spoiled loved ones mood?
Oh, reconciliation will be glorious!
We can not live without interference,
But more often let yours sound............. LAUGHTER

She is called the cell of society
And, as a support in life, we need.
And from the hearts of relatives, loved ones is created,
Mutual understanding is strong.
It unites generations.
And each creates its own way.
Celebrate your favorite birthday
Everyone is happy in her circle.
Although the moments are difficult,
But still, as long as the earth is spinning,
Let your love not disappear
And it will be strong, friendly ...... FAMILY.

Well, if there is a lot of it.
But money can't buy it.
Any road is not terrible with him,
It is pleasant and fun to live with him.
And when suddenly it is not enough,
Attacks a terrible disease,
The doctor prescribes the procedures for us
And the nature around is darkening.
To save it, temper yourself!
We wish today with love:
Try to live up to a hundred years,
Let it not let you down............. HEALTH

They warm our soul and pocket
And allow us to live luxuriously.
You can be both full and drunk with them
And you can take women to a restaurant.
Someone always misses them
And someone's chickens do not peck.
They sometimes save a lot
Sometimes they don't let me sleep peacefully.
We want you to be able every summer
Travel to the Cote d'Azur
Live happily ever after,
Let there always be enough ....................... MONEY