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Merry Christmas greetings for the year. Merry Christmas greetings in prose - congratulations in your own words. Merry Christmas wish

Merry Christmas to you
And I wish you to prosper.
Only good deeds
Bring good luck to your home.

Let your dreams come true
On Christmas Day,
Let gifts from fate
There will be a lot in life.

The first star in the sky
Illuminate the world with magic,
Let its light warm you.
Merry Christmas.

On Christmas, a great holiday,
Let grace come.
I want to live only in peace,
Give happiness to your neighbors.

Merry Christmas,
Let him bring happiness to the house,
Will revive faith in souls,
Our lives will be blessed.

Merry Christmas to you,
We wish you goodness and love,
Prosperity, success,
A sea of ​​sun, strength and laughter!

May it bring Christmas
Good luck to you for the whole year,
Brings good luck with you
And he will generously give you happiness.

Merry Christmas -
With sacred celebration!
May the Lord live in our hearts,
Happiness shines in the eyes.

I wish you love and goodness
To you on the eve of Christmas.
Let the house be a full cup,
Everyone will be warmed up.

I wish you Christ on Christmas
Happiness and love to you,
I want to believe in miracles
And they will come to you

Christmas joy
And let him bring good things into the house,
To be successful and happy
This is the year ahead for us.

Let them come to you on Christmas
Joy, happiness, peace, goodness.
May all your dreams come true.
Love and beauty to you!

I wish you Merry Christmas.
Open the door to a winter's fairy tale.
Let love, kindness and joy
They will always live with you.

This day is holy and clear
I wish you now
Faith to everyone, goodness and happiness.
Merry Christmas to you!

I want to wish you a Merry Christmas,
All those who are dear to me.
Let it give you hope
Holy evening of January!

May goodness and peace come with a Merry Christmas
And let your bold hopes come true.
Let everyone find a reason to smile
And they will become a little happier than before.

Merry Christmas! Happy wonderful day!
Let it be illuminated by the light of the heavenly stars
Your whole path through life. Happiness and luck,
Faith and health... And goodness to boot!

Merry Christmas, wonderful and bright!
Let your soul be warmed:
Love, happiness and goodness,
From loved ones and relatives - warmth!

Merry Christmas, pure and bright!
May your soul be warmed with goodness.
Wonderful grace and warmth to you,
So that life is happy.

Merry Christmas!
Grace, peace, warmth to you.
May the Lord bless your home,
Well, let life be joyful.

Not just another day off on the calendar. This is the most significant date for every Christian believer, and you need to prepare for the holiday accordingly. There are many traditions that should be followed when creating a menu, preparing for and even choosing. But one thing remains unchanged - on Christmas we need to congratulate loved ones, relatives and colleagues on this important holiday! And our poems will help you with this.

Christmas greetings in verses for 2016

Merry Christmas!
Happy holiday of Holy Solemnity.
We wish God's mercy for you,
God's kindness, peace and goodness.

Earthly blessings, health and good luck,
Faith, wisdom, spiritual beauty,
Children's laughter and joy to boot
And reach heights in your career.

Guardian Angel behind your back,
My every syllable sounds like music.
May the Lord send you strength.
May God always protect you.

With Christmas comes a fairy tale,
Every time giving warmth,
And everything around is so beautiful,
And everything is so bright in my soul!

I wish you happiness
Let it warm your heart,
Let them meet more often
There is joy and goodness in life!

Merry Christmas! I'll share with you
A feeling of happiness, warmth,
To warm your heart with love,
So that there is joy in the soul!

Let the special light today
The world will be filled at the festive hour,
And let sadness not disturb you at all,
Let hope shine for us!

Merry Christmas today
Congratulations from me!
And let pure love
Life will be fulfilled in an instant!

And let joy shine,
Warming the soul with light,
And let the happiness never cease,
Closing away from sorrows!

May joy visit you,
The light of love will touch the eyes,
After all, today is Christmas
Brings magic into the world!

And let the soul shake itself,
Having thrown off the burden of worries and sadness,
Having felt the essence of life,
Choosing your right path in it!

Let your soul become light,
When Christmas comes
Let there be thoughts of goodness
Change everything for the better in you!

And God's Grace will become
Fill with special light,
And the negativity won’t spoil it
There is a motive for joy in the heart!

Today, I'm full of joy,
Christmas night is coming to us,
Carrying with me a stream of love -
Feel it in your heart!

Let your life change
Filling it with meaning for you
Each moment is its own -
That is my wish!

We celebrate Christmas
Hearts are full of joy,
I will share my happiness with you,
You carry it with you!

May it be from good news
Your life will become brighter.
And let thoughts of good
They will be characteristic of you!

Christmas in Russia is celebrated on January 7 according to the Gregorian calendar and is one of the important holidays for Christians. Our Merry Christmas 2016 greetings in the form of prose, poetry and postcards will help you show attention to your loved ones and family on this kind and homely holiday.

Merry Christmas 2016: prose

Happy Christmas! Let your home be filled with joy, light, prosperity, health, love and goodness! May your Guardian Angel protect you all the way!

On Christmas Day, I wish you goodness and light, love and joy, happiness and prosperity, and most importantly, health! Let everything you plan come true. And God's grace will illuminate your path and warm your soul with its warmth.

Christmas is a small miracle! And I sincerely wish you goodness and magical moments, may all your plans come true, may your life be filled with happiness and light! Happy holiday, beloved ones!

Dear ones, I wish you a Merry Christmas! On this bright day, I want to wish you warmth, happiness and harmony in everything. Let love and peace reign in your family.

Merry Christmas greetings in verse

It is a holiday today! I congratulate you!
Birth of Christ, holy day!
I wish you goodness and enlightenment,
And a new righteous life, with a soul!

May Christmas give you a piece
Unquenchable faith for centuries!
Let it fit on a new page
Happy, welcome line!

With one warm breath,
You blow snowflakes from your palm out the window.
You wait, as if with a test,
Great, Orthodox Christmas!

From the candles there is a mist of smoke,
There's a lazy moon outside the window,
The glades sleep under the snow,
Happy Christmas!

We are waiting together for a miracle - Christmas,
Let the holiday greet every home
We wish you happiness and goodness,
So that everything is filled with warmth.

Winter laid out a lace blanket for us.
And the cars sleep obediently, the trees and houses sleep.
Let goodness knock on the door,
Merry Christmas!

Outside the window the prickly wind is angry,
It will be Christmas soon.
And under a blizzard one sleeps sweeter,
Covering your shoulders and face with a blanket...

The firewood is burning in the stove with a bang,
The world is waiting for Christmas,
And the roofs have a silvery sheen,
They shine in honor of the birth of Christ.

And the moon across the sky like a ball -
The frost remains strong,
Cheeks as if from a fire,
Christmas is coming. A savior is born - Jesus Christ!

You can't see puddles in winter,
White snow is swirling over everyone,
Sprinkling the city with silver -
People! Merry Christmas!

Congratulations on Christmas.
Let a miracle happen in your life,
May joy, inspiration and goodness
They will be able to live in your house.

Let hope, faith, warmth
They never leave you for a moment in life,
Let every dream come true,
I sincerely wish you the best!

Merry Christmas 2016 greeting cards

In the midst of everyday hustle and bustle
Christmas day is wonderful!
Let the holiday features again
They will become a song in the heart!

The melody of love sounds
Boundless, endless,
Hear her with your soul,
To save forever!

Merry Christmas greetings to the boss

Merry Christmas to you
We are happy to give today!
May the world be filled with goodness
The soul will be filled with love!

Let important thoughts come
About what is most important in the world,
May all sorrows disappear
Be happy, like children!

Beautiful Merry Christmas greetings

Celebrating Christmas again
I would like to say one thing:
Choose the path of goodness
May life be bright!

Feeling the holiday with your soul,
Don't be friends with sadness at all,
And make friends with hope
And smile without sadness!

Christmas responds to people with warmth,
Making the world bright overnight,
And it seems to everyone that it has come to us in life
With quiet steps, common happiness!

May the holiday protect you from sadness forever,
Let it bring joy to your heart,
May he revive the power of hope again,
And let it relieve fatigue from the soul!

Merry Christmas on January 7

Happy January seventh to you
Merry Christmas
Let the holiday warm you
Special warmth!

Sorrows will go away
So that there is peace in the soul,
I wish to live without sadness,
In harmony with yourself!

A short Merry Christmas greeting

An unforgettable image of Christmas,
It is connected with the depth of eternal truths,
It gives a feeling of magic
With him the endless light of love shines!

Let your soul absorb joy,
May fate open its doors to happiness,
And the heart, rushing after its dream,
Let him always believe in good things!

Let today be Christmas
All nature rejoices,
Let your soul feel warm
This time of year is for you!

Let purity touch you
Christmas happiness,
And there will be beauty in life
Without any admixture of bad weather!

Beautiful words sound
Today from everywhere
After all, we were waiting for Christmas,
May the holiday be bright!

Let them be renewed in you
And thoughts and dreams,
Everything will be happy in fate
As expected!

Merry Christmas wish

We warm our hearts
We give you this Christmas,
Let it be now
A spark of joy for you!

Let the holiday distract you
From problems and worries,
So that the soul can perk up,
Found the meaning of life!

Merry Christmas greetings in verse

May this verse be on Christmas day
It will warm you with warmth,
May my heart be from him
It will brighten up immediately!

Let the holiday transform
Heart with the light of happiness,
Let it instantly obscure
He lives in bad weather!

Christmas will wake you up
Joy in the soul
On this day there will be no
Be sad already!

Let the special warmth
Life will warm you up
Let the Light of Love again
It will flare up at this hour!

Look out the window quickly
Holiday in the world - Christmas,
Feel the True Light
Learn the secret of life!

And the soul, casting aside sadness,
Let it become instantly brighter,
Love will illuminate her,
And joy will arise again!

Open your soul today,
To let in great joy,
Today is a day to remember
In the bustle so as not to forget him!

At Christmas they will become cleaner and kinder
Let all your dreams be in your heart,
And let the world become a little brighter
When you bring them to life!

Merry Christmas our greetings
May it give you a happy moment!
Let him talk about common joy,
Having passed it on to you, this verse!

Don't keep your joy to yourself,
So that the light does not go out,
Give it generously to everyone around you,
To conquer sadness forever!

Merry Christmas Wishes for a Friend

Merry Christmas to you
I strive with all my heart!
With my heartfelt warmth
I'll share it with you!

I wish you a life without adversity,
Filled with goodness
And let the bad things pass,
Without tormenting later!

Let my congratulations be
Is in a hurry to increase your joy,
After all, it is very warm on holiday
With the warmth of my entire soul!

May understanding come on Christmas,
What is the most important thing in your life,
Let the torment in your heart disappear,
Everything will become somehow simpler, brighter!

Christmas night, having descended to Earth,
Leaves a mark forever
And with joy the soul listens to her,
Having absorbed the flow of goodness!

And, again inspired by hope,
Look at life without sadness,
And, trying to follow goodness,
Give the warmth of your soul to others!

Let it bring the sound of hope
Christmas is coming,
And let the holiday, as before,
Creates magic again!

And let joy awaken
Dormant dreams
So that, then embodying them,
Add beauty to life!

Live your day today
You with the feeling of love,
Let the sadness disappear without a trace,
Let joy bloom in your heart!

Let it arise at Christmas
Hope light, giving warmth,
And let the soul reflect
Let's talk about the meaning of life slowly!

Today with the light of Christmas
The world is illuminated everywhere
Let the words of congratulations
You will be happy for the holiday!

I wish you to embody
Dreams of beautiful outline,
And get to know life better and better,
For happiness, seeing the reasons!

Merry Christmas greetings

Along with Christmas comes
A bright feeling of love,
Something is happening in the world
And it changes inside!

Fills with wise meaning
May your life today
And it heals from sadness,
Giving new joy!

Poems for Christmas

Remains in the heart for a long time
Wonderful image of Christmas
Let your soul warm up
He always helps!

The joy of the holiday will remind
Let about the importance of goodness,
Let joy fill the place
Where there used to be sadness!

Beautiful Merry Christmas Poem

We are given to believe in miracles,
We're celebrating Christmas!
We have common joy,
Let it warm you!

Let the heart do good
Let it radiate
May fate take care of you
Always protects you from trouble!

Sincere Merry Christmas greetings

Magical image of Christmas
Gives birth to faith in miracles,
Everything becomes brighter with him,
Everyone becomes kinder with him!

May today be yours
Will tell you the right path in fate,
May joy be a star in the distance
Reminds me of the importance of all love!

All Merry Christmas greetings are copyrighted. Use is only possible with a link to the site