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Happy birthday to my mother. Happy birthday to mom. Happy Birthday to Mom

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Mommy, happy birthday.
And I say thank you for the warmth.
I wish you health and joy.
May everything you dream of come!

Thank you for your love, for your understanding,
For leading me by the hand in life.
And for a good upbringing, of course.
You are the best, my mommy!

Mommy, kind and dear,
Unique, dear to the heart,
Let it not be a secret to anyone -
You are the best mom in the world!

Thank you for the sleepless nights
We appreciate and love you very, very much!
We wish you a magical birthday
Fun, good luck, love and luck.

Be the most beautiful, happy and tender,
We will help and support you in everything, of course.
May there be health, prosperity and happiness,
Always rely on our participation.

And remember, mommy, and believe that in the world
Your beloved children adore you!

Dear, sweet, only, golden, beloved, dear mother! Happy birthday! What a blessing to have a mother like you. You will always support, console, encourage, help, and give wise advice. You are the most important person in my life. Mommy, I wish you health for many years of spring mood, more joyful events. Thank you for everything you do for me!

Dear, beloved, dear!
Congratulations, mommy, to you.
And with all my heart I wish you
Only peace, joy, kindness!

There is no one more loved and dearer than you,
There is no one more reliable and gentle than you.
You will always help me with advice.
There is no one more responsive, kinder than you.

Let your eyes water only from happiness,
Let a smile give light to your loved ones.
You alone are the most beautiful in the world,
For me, you are the best in the world!

Even if sometimes I lack words,
Don't think that I don't respect you,
That I don’t appreciate all your work,
That I never notice anything.

For everything I don't say
I apologize to you!
You know that I love you
My Mommy, happy birthday.

May every day bring joy.
Health, happiness and love.
May the angels protect you
On all the paths not yet traveled.

Everyone on the planet knows
And, of course, it's no secret
Mom is the best in the world
There is no better mother in the world.
And all the flowers are for mom,
Gifts, congratulations.
Let your dreams come true
Happy Birthday, mom!

Dear mother, dear little man,
You brought me into the world.
How many words have accumulated in my soul,
How much warmth is in the heart.

May the angels protect you
Keeping it for many years.
Day by day I understand more and more,
How important you are to me.

Happiness, dear, to you and health,
Full of bright joy.
May you always be warmed by love,
Surrounded by loved ones.

Let the unrest pass by,
Strength to you, I pray.
I wish you a happy birthday!
I love you very much!

Mommy, I wish you
May you always be like this
This is how I've known you all my life:
Beloved, affectionate, dear.

So that all worries and sorrows
Gone once and for all.
So that they can rush off into the distance
Misfortune, grief and misfortune.

I hug you tenderly
There is nothing dearer in the world,
And I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Have wonderful, bright, long years.

Native cute features.
An irreplaceable person.
Thank you, mommy, for being you
She was with me both in the rain and in the snow.

Long nights without sleep,
For thoughts full of anxiety.
You, mom, are the only one I have,
May God protect you.

Let time turn back,
Slowly, your years,
And I will protect
And always help you.

And please forgive me
For everything I do wrong.
Smile, don't be sad
Fate has sent us a good sign.

Words cannot express everything,
Your birthday is magic!
I want to hug you now
And the soul will feel a kinship.

I wish you happiness and warmth,
Love, health, kindness.
And if only I could -
Your dreams would come true!

I consider it the most striking miracle,
What was given to me from birth
Tireless support
And the best friend is you.

Congratulations to the only one
And, hugging me tighter,
I want to be silent, just pressing
And becoming a little sadder.

I want to sit like this for centuries:
Pressing my cheek to your hand.
To the hand that over the years
It becomes even more necessary.

To the hand that held
Learning to walk without letting you fall.
To the hand that I rocked at night,
She led me to a dream, carried me more than once.

On your birthday, dear,
I only want one thing:
To smile, to shine,
The house was filled with flowers.

I'll take care of the rest
I'll get everything for you.
We just can’t buy health,
But rely on me here.

That there will be no tears, I promise,
I will obey, I will help.
You know mom, I'm trying.
You know I love you.

Let me take care of this
Let your dreams come true.
Your years are your wealth.
My wealth, mom, is you!

Congratulations to my mom.
I love mommy very much!
I want to wish her good health,
Give smiles, never lose heart.
Solution to find any problems.
And also interesting changes.
Have fun and happy days,
Charming and loyal friends.
Of course, I wish you a sea of ​​happiness
. (period) is asking, but I still continue:
The house will be filled with joy,
Let it be cozy and warm.

My dear mother,
Happy birthday!
I wish you not to get sick,
Don't grow old for a very long time
To be always, always beautiful,
Tender, affectionate, happy.
For me you are ideal
You deserve everyone's praise.
I'm proud of you and I know
There is no better mother.
I am your son and that means I will
Nearby at the right moment.
I will protect and help,
I'll save you from offense.

My dear, happy birthday
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
I will say thank you for the birth
And for life. The one I have.

For your sleepless nights,
Kindness and love without boundaries
Thank you very, very much.
There are not enough pages to describe everything.

Long may you live in the world, mother,
Let your heart beat for a hundred years.
And from these amazing eyes
May good light always emanate.

You can always contact me:
I will help you as much as I can.
We love you very much and appreciate you
In our quiet family circle.

Mom, I wish you many years and good health, prosperity, happiness and goodness! I will not be verbose, but may life not be stingy and be generous to you, constantly presenting joyful surprises and gifts of fate. Happy birthday!

I congratulate mom,
I hug you tightly.
And I want to say lovingly:
"Happy Birthday to You!".

I want to be happy
Never lose heart.
I promise on my own behalf,
That I won’t upset you.

I want to congratulate you, mom.
I want to tell you now:
“Thank you for always being there,
Always ready to help."

You are the best in the world, mom!
As a son, I tell you:
I won't get tired of loving you,
I will preserve your happiness.

I wish you health
Always be cheerful and gentle.
And I continue, hugging
Repeat all this hundreds of times.

What is the first and most important word in our life? Of course mom. Any mother worries about her child even before birth, listens to the light kicks of the unborn baby, wears her huge belly with pride and dreams of seeing her child as soon as possible. From the very first moment when she takes her son or daughter in her arms, an invisible but strong spiritual connection is formed between them.

Mom will spend hours circling around the apartment, rocking and comforting her little baby. She will understand the child without words, will feel from a distance when he is feeling bad, and will always give him the best, most tasty morsel. And children, growing up, should not forget how much work, mental and physical strength she put into them. You should always show attention to your mother, but especially on her birthday. On the holiday, you need to give her the most beautiful flowers, the best gifts. The most sincere congratulations on your mother’s birthday should be heard on this day.

Adult children, especially sons, are often embarrassed to show their feelings, embarrassed to say how much they love their mother, how much they value her, how much they appreciate her. And completely in vain. Nothing touches the heart like sincere, warm wishes and happy birthday wishes for your mother. Growing up, children do not cease to need their mother's care; they also want to complain to her about troubles, hug her and talk about their current worries. And the mother still wants to feel needed, in demand, to feel that her baby, although he has grown up, loves her just as much.

Therefore, she is very pleased to receive signs of attention from her children, good, tastefully chosen gifts, and of course beautiful birthday greetings. Although mothers try to hide how much such wishes touch them, deep down they are very pleased to hear kind and warm words addressed to them. At the same time, we should not forget that a birthday is not the only day when they should receive attention and care from their children.

May fate bring more
And joy and inspiration and health,
May your soul always bloom,
And the heart is warmed by love!

Let beauty not change over the years,
Let troubles pass you by
A smile will make your lips shine,
And may the new day bring joy,
And in a moment the far-fetched thing will come true!

Our dear, beloved mother.
Grandmother is nice and irreplaceable.
Happy birthday to you,
We wish you all the best in your life,

So that you never get sick,
So that you never grow old,
To be forever young,
Cheerful, kind and gentle!

We kiss kind, glorious hands.
With love to you, your children and grandchildren.

Always be healthy and sweet,
Kind, friendly and beautiful,
Joyful, unique,
Forever desired and forever loved!

Mommy is sweet, gentle, nice,
Kind, smart and radiant,
In the palms of my hands I will give you happiness,
“Thank you” for everything I say to You.

Live, smile through adversity,
We will share our worries with you.
Forget about illnesses, forget about worries,
We will illuminate your life path with love.

Saying "thank you" is not enough
We are all indebted to You.
God bless you, mom, -
The wish of all relatives is great.

Your warmth, Your goodness,
It always surrounds us.
And your soul will become warm,
When your holiday comes.

Years have passed
But you are still the same.
Strict, beautiful and clear,
Only the hair is a little smoother
And gray hair sparkles in them.

So God grant you
If it is in his power,
Health, long life
And much, much happiness!

Our dear mother,
These gentle lines are for you.
The sweetest and most beautiful,
The kindest on this earth.

Let no sorrows come into your home,
Let illnesses pass by.
We would place the whole world in the palm of our hands
And they gave you one.

But even this would not be enough,
To repay your kindness,
We are all our lives, our dear mother,
I owe you an unpaid debt.

Thank you, dear, for raising me,
For not asking for anything in return.
That sorrow and joy are divided in half,
You wished us the best life in everything.

Beautiful, caring, tender,
We need you every day and forever!

Be joyful, healthy and happy,
After all, you have met everything you need in life.
Let life test your strength
-You have vitality.

Look what growth is behind you,
They are your friends, your wealth,
And, fortunately, we can no longer part with this
- All this is called fate.

In her love she is omnipotent and simple,
You have intelligence and beauty,
We have a wonderful ability to give our hearts,
Warm our soul with a smile.

So stay young for a long time,
So tender and caring,
Give us happiness, affection and warmth.
We are all lucky to have you!

Live a hundred years, guarding our hearth,
The only one, dear, dear!

Mommy, we congratulate you
And we wish you peaceful bright days,
All the best, health and good luck,
Women's happiness and people's kindness.

Know that we simply adore you,
We appreciate, love and adore,
Happy Birthday! You're the only one -
We say thank you for everything.

Dear mother, golden ray of sunshine
You will always warm me with your gentle warmth.
And today, on a special day - on your birthday,
For you, dear mother, my congratulations.

Be healthy and happy like no one else on this earth.
Be charming and beautiful, no matter how old you are.
You are the only one we have - a golden ray of sunshine,
Congratulations mom, I send you happiness with all my heart!

Today is not an easy holiday,
Without any doubts.
My mom has a native
Birthday today.

I wish you well
Health and patience.
So that your life is clear
And a light mood.

And let the years run forward,
Changing date values.
Just be young at heart
On your every birthday.

A bouquet of good simple wishes
I want to give it to my mom for her birthday!
May the sun shine very brightly for you,
May fate give you many gifts.

May happiness and health never leave you,
May every day be bright and joyful.
A white stripe will begin in life,
And may this whole world smile at you!

This day is the most important -
The day you were born.
I wish you, mom,
The warmest feelings and phrases,

The most joyful events
Long years, health, strength,
So that only good discoveries
Every day yours brought

May your loved ones support you
Warms in the cold
And, dear, how quickly
Neither carried forward the years,

Let it pleasantly surprise
You are our world again and again.
Let them grow stronger in your soul
Faith, happiness and love.

Did you hear my first cry
And I bought my first backpack,
Do you remember my very first verse?
And a deep blush from love.

And you completely forgot about the dream,
When I was two, four, eight.
For this I bow to the ground to you,
We ask forgiveness for childish selfishness.

I want to say so many words of love,
I don't need an idol other than you
Always be yourself, please.
You are an ideal, you are a mother, you are the top of the world.

Happy Birthday dear,
The most important person!
I wish to be healthy
Take care of yourself forever.

Let it be in the most tender smile
Joy is always hidden.
May you be calm and serene
The eyes glow with happiness.

Happy birthday to you, mommy
I hasten to congratulate and hug you.
Let the mood be bright
And the heart is to shine with joy.

Your eyes are like the beginning of the day.
Let only happiness sing in them,
So that you never get bored
Your good heart.

Be healthy, radiate joy,
And let the years not rule.
Let them be with you
Your loved ones always.

My dear, we are so close:
You are both help and advice to me.
Giver of both life and name,
May you live for many long years!

Happy birthday dear
My dear mother.
Where can I find so many words?
To express love?

The closest person,
Connected with you forever.
You will console, give advice,
You will answer my question.

What should I wish for you?
Just turn back time.
Those were golden days
Keep them in your heart.

I wish you good health.
And forgive me for
What happens sometimes I
I'm offended for nothing.

I wish you a lot of happiness,
And good luck and warmth.
Forget about all the bad weather.
Know that I am always near!

You are the dearest person to me,
And it’s hard to find words for you -
I want to wish you so much from my heart,
And you won’t be able to tell me everything, probably forever.

My mommy, an angel given by fate,
There is no one more beautiful in the world than you.
And on your birthday most of all
I wish your soul to be young.

I wish your hands less worries,
To the eyes - only joy and beauty,
Always make any dreams come true.
May happiness always live with you.

I consider it the most striking miracle,
What was given to me from birth
Tireless support
And the best friend is you.

Congratulations to the only one
And, hugging me tighter,
I want to be silent, just pressing
And becoming a little sadder.

I want to sit like this for centuries:
Pressing my cheek to your hand.
To the hand that over the years
It becomes even more necessary.

To the hand that held
Learning to walk without letting you fall.
To the hand that I rocked at night,
She led me to a dream, carried me more than once.

On your birthday, dear,
I only want one thing:
To smile, to shine,
The house was filled with flowers.

I'll take care of the rest
I'll get everything for you.
We just can’t buy health,
But rely on me here.

That there will be no tears, I promise,
I will obey, I will help.
You know mom, I'm trying.
You know I love you.

Let me take care of this
Let your dreams come true.
Your years are your wealth.
My wealth, mom, is you!

Thank you for life, for prayers, patience,
For affection and faith in me, for love,
For being your blessing, mom
Support me better than a thousand words.

I want to congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you great health,
May you have all your dreams, all your ideas and plans
I could freely implement it.

Mommy, I love you very much, dear.
Be happy. Joy makes you so beautiful.
I wish you flight of soul, inspiration,
Warmth and comfort, and in the heart of fire.

Dear mother, dear little man,
You brought me into the world.
How many words have accumulated in my soul,
How much warmth is in the heart.

May the angels protect you
Keeping it for many years.
Day by day I understand more and more,
How important you are to me.

Happiness, dear, to you and health,
Full of bright joy.
May you always be warmed by love,
Surrounded by loved ones.

Let the unrest pass by,
Strength to you, I pray.
I wish you a happy birthday!
I love you very much!

On this birthday, mom,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
For your care and effort,
For love and warmth.

I wish you happiness
Live without troubles and without worries,
So that from grief and bad weather
Your angel took care of you.

My dearest little man,
My beloved mother,
I want to congratulate you on your birthday
From the bottom of my heart!

Always be as beautiful
Do not know grief and evil,
Be happy, joyful, strong,
Let spring rejoice in your heart.

You warm me with warmth,
You are always there and in everything,
Like an angel you protect everyone,
Covering me with my wing.

My dear, congratulations!
Health and many years to come.
I hug you tightly
The light of your eyes is so dear to me.

Sweet, kind, most gentle,
How old you are is not the main thing,
You are charming, beautiful, smart,
Honey, mommy, you are the only one for me!

Be happy, smile dear,
Live a hundred years without knowing sorrow,
Be healthy, always energetic,
As you are now, always be young!

Let a kind heart know no sorrow,
Let your soul, mother, not suffer,
So that you smile, my dear,
Ah, I congratulate you again, lovingly!

Thank you for the happiness
Thank you for your kindness,
Thank you for
That she read fairy tales to us.

For tears, for joy,
Sleepless nights,
Thank you for
That she loved us very much.

Let there be more
Warmth and good luck,
And everything will come true
Only this way, no other way!

We wish you strength
And, of course, patience,
Health, mommy,
On your birthday!

Happy birthday, dear mom.
Congratulations, my dear.
I love you, mom, mummy,
There is no one on earth more precious than you.

Stay as beautiful as you are
Kind, gentle, so magical.
Never grow old, my dear.
I will always be with you.

Happy birthday, dear mother.
Let all the flowers bloom for you,
Let them come true in many ways
All your hopes and dreams.

You are loved by me like the sun.
You are like a warm sea of ​​goodness.
Be protected by all Gods,
Surrounded by angels.

On this day I congratulate you
And once again I say:
Happy birthday, dear mother,
I love you very much.

Dear mom, on your birthday
Please accept my warm words.
Congratulations to you today,
Wishes of happiness and love!

Be always beautiful and healthy,
So that you have enough strength for everything.
You have always been the basis in the family,
The whole house, like the whole world, is on you!

You, like in a fairy tale, are forever young,
As if contrary to the calendar.
Happy holiday to you, my dear!
Happy Birthday! I love you!


Poetry 04/03/2018

Dear readers, on the birthdays of our loved ones we always want to give kind, affectionate and pleasant wishes. But often we dedicate the most sincere and wonderful words to our mother - the dearest person in our life, from whom this life begins. And just for no reason, isn’t it nice for mothers to hear about how much we appreciate and love them?

For this you don’t even need any specially prepared speeches - just a few words spoken from the heart, just like that or on the occasion of some holiday. But you can also use poems for your mother on her birthday for this. It doesn’t matter how old we are - for our mothers we always remain children, and for them it is always happiness to know that they are loved by their children.

I am the daughter of the best mother on the planet

For every mother, a daughter is a little princess and the most beautiful girl in the world. Every mother wants her beloved girl to be happier than herself. And every daughter wants her mother to have an easy and good life. Birthday poems for a mother from her daughter will help you tenderly congratulate a dear person and express your feelings.

I am the daughter of the best mother on the planet,
What could be more beautiful in the world?
Mommy, accept congratulations,
Celebrate your birthday with a smile!

I love you, dear mother, with all my soul.
Thank you for your tenderness and care.
I wish you longevity, health and luck,
Joy, fun... Mommy, happy birthday!

Mommy, my mommy,
Happy Birthday to You!
Please don't cry or get sick,
After all, for me you are dearer than everyone else!

Thank you, mommy, for everything,
After all, everything that exists was given by you,
A smile, the first step, words.
I walked into the world with you hand in hand.

I'm terribly sad without you,
I ask you to always be there.
Let there be enough strength for everything
And every day yours will be sweet!

Dad and I bought a large bouquet of roses,
Let's wish mom long life.
On my mother's birthday we bring a big cake,
To congratulate the friendly family today.
We gathered at the table, drinking hot tea.
You always, mommy, shine as you do now,
Always be beautiful, be young,
Don't forget this wonderful birthday.

Always be so beautiful
Sweet, joyful, happy,
Kind, bright, young,
Adored, dear!
Let your dreams come true
You deserve it.
My dear mother,
Happy Birthday to You!

Winters and springs fly by quickly,
Year after year, speeding up.
And your eyes shine like stars
For me, my main person.
Mommy, I wish you happiness!
Happy Birthday, honey! Live
One hundred percent! And let the misfortunes go away!
You are my angel, God bless you!

My dear mother,
Happy birthday
And I’ll give you flowers,
Know how much I love you!

I promise to study
To make you proud of me, dear.
You won't find a better mother
At least you will go around the whole world!

Mom and I are very similar
The same look, the same gait,
They say after us: “Sisters.”
This is great, mommy!

You're so young
Happy birthday!
Don't be sad, don't be discouraged,
Greet your guests soon!

Happy birthday, mommy.
No one is kinder than you!
Don't be sick please
Don't grow old any longer.
You smile joyfully
Meet every day.
It’s in vain, honey, don’t worry.
Know, always hope
Can you do it for your daughter?
I'm always next to you
And I can help.

Happy Birthday, my dear mom!
My daughter congratulates you from the bottom of her heart.
I just adore you, mommy,
I miss you every minute.

Let the smile never leave your lips,
So that you don't know what sadness is.
Be always happy, my dear,
Remember, darling: I love you!

Let your eyes shine with my love,
And in my soul nightingales coo gently.
Happy birthday, dear, I congratulate you.
Be the happiest, my mom!

How much have you invested in me?
Your love, soul of fire,
I taught everything with patience,
Without stopping for a day.

Thank you, dear mother,
My precious person.
I want you to be sad without knowing
She lived quietly for a long century.

I wish you health, happiness,
So that with dad, like doves,
You cooed and bad weather
He didn’t set his own snares.

The years have no power over souls,
You, mom, are always young.
Well, happy birthday! Won't fade away
I have a star of your love.

Mom is the best friend! Poems to mother from son

It is believed that it is not easy to be the mother of sons: how much patience is needed when the boys are naughty and mischievous, but even as they grow up they remain beloved sons. And sons cannot help but feel and appreciate this, and that is why they often treat their mothers so tenderly and reverently. In this section, there are poems for you for your mother on her birthday from her son.

I'll get up early today
I'll warm up the kettle for mom
And I’ll put the bouquet in a vase -
I'll do everything quickly!
I'll draw a picture -
A colorful car
All in flowers and chocolate -
Mom will be happy!
Everyone calls and congratulates,
We wish mom joy!
I am the main assistant
On my dear mother's birthday!

For mother from son
I am writing these lines
With love, admiration
And good congratulations!

Be the happiest
Smiling and sweet,
Like a gorgeous lily,
Main for everyone in the area!

Better be a queen
A beautiful firebird,
Luxurious, sophisticated,
In a gilded crown!

It's not easy work for a mother,
Raise a son. Here and there
Cars, bolts, hooks,
Alarming calls at night.
Congratulations on your birthday
I’m in a hurry, the joy is not the same,
Accept congratulations from your son,
My dear mother.
Health, happiness, long life
And disobedience to fate.
Good luck joy and light
I wish you mom!

Dear mother, dear,
Happy birthday!
The kindest and most beautiful
I wish you only the best.
It's not easy being a mother to a son,
But thanks for your patience.
Be healthy, happy
And in a great mood!

Happy birthday, mom, happy birthday!
Know that I always need your advice.
Don't let it ruin your mood
My sometimes impolite answer.
Sometimes I don’t listen to you, of course.
I am my own head.
But today I say from the heart:
Mom, I appreciate your words!

Mom's heart is radiant,
Kind, bright, clean
Loves, regrets, forgives,
Always helps out in troubles.

I may not be a boy for a long time,
But for you I am a son:
Say your cherished word,
And you're ready to scold.

Let the years have no power,
You remain beautiful
In strength and good health,
Loved ones are warmed by love.

May you be happy yourself.
And happy birthday, mom!

Darling, beloved,
My dearest,
Happy Birthday to You
Congratulations, mom!
To a native home in a foreign land
I'll find my way
For you again many years
I'll ask God.
So that your heart
I didn’t worry about my son,
In life you mean everything to me
I managed to teach.
Happiness to you in life,
Joy without end,
So that you always know
That I love you.

I will remember my childhood today, like a miracle fairy tale,
I will remember gentle hands, and love, and affection.
Today is a good and happy day,
On this wonderful day you were born, mother!
Be always healthy, as you are now, beautiful,
For the joy of your sons, be always happy.

No matter how many years fly by,
Giving joy and sorrow,
And even though I have become an adult man,
I am always your son.
Let sadness, resentment or anxiety
They won't cast a shadow on your face.
After all, today happiness is at the doorstep,
The brightest day is your birthday!
Mommy, dear, congratulations!
Be always blooming, young.
May you always be accompanied
Joy, and luck, and peace!

My best mom in the world...

Many poetic lines are dedicated to beloved mothers, but I would like to highlight among them very small, short poems for mom on her birthday. Even 3-year-old children will be able to recite these poems, and dads or older brothers and sisters will help them learn and remember them easily.

My mother is the best in the world,
I love mommy very much,
I wish her nothing but the best
Joy, happiness, love and warmth.

My beloved mommy
Mommy is good, dear,
Kind, dear, beautiful,
Mom, be the happiest!

Gift for mom

From colored paper
I'll cut out a piece.
I will make it out of him
Little flower.
Gift for mom
I'll cook.
The most beautiful
I have mom!
O. Chusovitina

Gift for mom

I love my mom
I'll give her a gift.
I made the gift myself
From paper with paints.
I'll give it to my mom
Hugging tenderly.
O. Chusovitina


How I love you!
I'm so glad when we're together
You and I are going for a walk!
Or making something,
Or we just talk.
And how sorry for you again
Let go to work!
M. Druzhinina

Gift for mom

How many stars are there in the sky!
You can't count them all.
These stars are for mom
I'll give it again.
N. Bondarenko

Dear, dear
My mommy,
Know that it is very strong
I love you.

All the flowers in the world
Only for you.
The best
My mommy.

Where can I find words like this?
So that mommy's dear
To speak of immeasurable love
And congratulations on such a day.

Today the sun is brighter
A wonderful new day!
It's mom's birthday
All the flowers are just for her!

I will give my mother the whole world:
All mountains, seas, oceans.
And I love her very much
After all, there is no one better than mom.

At my mom's
Warm hands,
Dad and I know
There is no better one.

She's so beautiful
She's so kind
Let her be happy
Mommy always.

I'll cut out the heart
I'll give it to my mom
And I’ll say these words:
I love you.

Watch a beautiful video from the group “Fidgets” with the song “Mom is the first word.”

Thank you, mommy, for everything!

Many poems for mom on her birthday are touching to the point of tears. And this is not surprising, because how can we not be moved when we express our gratitude and love to the dearest person in our lives, and how can we remain indifferent to the mothers themselves, who put their whole soul into their children, and then see how their love responds in their souls? These are the most priceless experiences in life.

Drawing for mommy

I will draw on a white sheet
Yellow sun for mommy,
Nearby - two clouds float in the distance,
Below is a hut with a window.

Sunbeam on a fast river
Jumps fearlessly
The wind sways in the bright foliage,
A bug is dancing in the grass.

And at the hut in a beautiful wreath
I held out the bouquet.
I remember my mother whispering to me in my sleep
A very secret secret.

As if we will have a new home -
Bright, with a window overlooking the river,
With her we will live happily in it,
I believe my mother, of course.

And on her birthday I’ll give her
I made my drawing today.
Mommy, I love you very much
I will always be cheerful.

I can't speak yet
Smart adult phrases
I will love you with all my might
And I will never offend you.

I'll take the colors so that you
I believed it right away, mom.
I'll draw a clearing, flowers,
May you rest on it.

I'll bring you this postcard
I'm going to bed early,
I am not a drawing - I will give you a dream.
Mommy, happy birthday!

You will smile, you will hug me,
I'll hand you the leaf.
There are only two more strokes left -
Cat and trace of a kiss.
Guseva Irina

May fate protect my mother
From adversity and petty grievances.
In life I always take risks many times,
And her heart hurts again.
Let, despite the sorrows,
Fate will give her many days,
So that her hands don't get tired
Make both grandchildren and children happy.
Let the guardian arrive nearby,
Covering with an angel's wing.
And Christ the Savior protects from troubles,
Illuminating the house with grace.

To mom

There is nothing more dear or dearer on earth
The woman everyone calls mom.
She will always warm you with her warmth,
He will come to the rescue like a reliable friend.

He will never judge or argue,
After all, we all learn from mistakes,
And most importantly, he will not stop loving.
Thank you, mommy, for all this to you.

For what life once gave,
She endured pranks and whims, loving everything.
She taught me to look at the world with a smile,
I sincerely thank you.

Let nothing darken your life:
Neither a gloomy day, nor a heavy load of worries.
They bypass adversity and sorrow,
May a clear summer live in your soul.

Your birthday is a great occasion for me,
To tell you bright words.
There is no better mother in the world
And you couldn’t find a better mother in the Universe.
A. Maltseva

Who will always understand best
Who will pray for us within the walls of the temple
And in difficult times he will come to save you -
My only mother.
Fate skillfully weaves a shawl
From days and years, changing patterns,
Sometimes our path takes us far away,
But a dear soul awaits at home.
The thought will make me warmer,
That you will meet with a gentle smile.
But now your anniversary has come.
Forgive me, mom, for all my mistakes.
And I want your life
It became lighter, brighter, lighter.
I love you so much!
Let everything be as you dreamed.

Mom's birthday

And again the house of guests is full.
It smells like vanilla and baked goods.
Are you waiting for good news -
They came to you today to
Have conversations by the fireplace,
Drink tea with jam and cookies.
Today we have gathered here -
Happy birthday to you.

To you, dear, hundreds of times
We want to say thank you for everything,
Apologize for everything
Even minor grievances.
Let the wrinkles on your cheeks
They don't bother you too much:
For us you are always young
You will always remain like this.

There's already a shadow peeping through the windows,
Kicking us out.
Thank you, mommy, for the day,
For an hour and for minutes of happiness!
Thank you, mom, for your love,
For a radiant smile.
And for the ability to forgive
We have all the grievances and mistakes.
R. Sviridov

I'm ready to conquer Everest
So that at the edge, above the abyss itself
Precious pick edelweiss -
Today is mom's birthday.

I dream of giving you
The rarest, priceless coral.
And I would go down to the very bottom,
Into the ocean where no one has been.

I would fly into the sky like a dove,
Even though I can only dream about it,
So that from the most invisible heights
Shout congratulations!

I would go into the bowels of the Earth,
Where it’s dark enough to poke out your eyes.
And I would get it from the very depths
The world's largest diamond.

How much does a mother mean to a person...

Mom's love is endless and will never dry up. Mother will always help, reassure, support, and advise her small children and adults. We understand this years later, when we also become parents, and this is exactly what is written about in poems about mothers by various poets.

To my mom on her birthday

Among the usual deception,
Among the verbal fog
I suddenly felt how much
For a person it means mother.

When I go forward stubbornly,
My mother helps me walk.
When I fall into a hole,
Mom extends her hand.

They talked so much about mom,
They just forgot about the main thing:
There is no dearer in this world,
Her entire youth is in the portrait,
And in our souls we are forgiven!
There is one for everyone,
Unique, simple,
Sitting through a photo album...
Friends nearby, table, pie,
Tired threshold on this day
And a handful of welcome joy.
Neither lies nor anger live here,
Accept, dear, congratulations:
There is no better treat in the world,
Thanks for your efforts
All wishes from us to you
Health, laughter and fun
May you enjoy your life on your birthday!
Not knowing the need for warmth and affection,
Live in a real fairy tale.
Love, create and fuss,
Fly up with the rays of the sun...
But stay close to us -
Adults even need a mother!

White little head, faithful sister...
Your life as a nightingale was not in vain,

The center of the universe, dear and dear.

And everyone is drawn to you. The letters say hello.
So live, beauty, for many, many years...
And your gray hair will become a star to me,
You are my little blood, where my home is.

The white head is more beautiful than the dawn!
Your life as a nightingale was not in vain...
You have become a sweetheart, and a big one in the family -
The center of the universe, the most expensive.
L. Goldmann

As a child, I thought that adults did not sleep.
They don't sleep at all. At least - mothers.
They wash or sew when we
we lie down with a host of plush animals...
Waking up, curls scattered on the pillow,
We can smell mom’s pancakes under our noses...
It was. But the little animals have grown old,
and mothers must serve everything.

We are apples. Our sides are tender.
And the apple tree - what will happen to it?
I’m writing... And, like an apple, I’m blushing...
I am an angel in my mother's arms.
But you need to draw icons from your mother!
Is she sixty or twenty-five again?..
I am next to her - like a tear from the Madonna...
In a child's shirt, in elephants, to the toes...
E. Seifert

Mother's birthday is the kindest and most wonderful holiday in every family. Many will probably buy a beautiful and sincere gift, but it is also very nice for all mothers to hear touching, sincere wishes from relatives in their own words or in poetry.